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What's up with THAT?

Ok, I keep thinking of something to write about, then I lose it. Forgive me for leaving this for so long!

How can people forfeit their lives?

This is a question that has come into my life over the past six months. I know some of you out there are cringing in your seats thinking, oh no, she's going to talk about me now. Well, don't worry, I'm just as affected by this phrase as you are.

In the past six months, I have seen more things than I have in the whole rest of my life (not that that's a bad thing- I guess that's what I get for asking God to use this year as a teaching year!). When I was in school, it seemed as if our up and coming generation was going to get rid of the threat to the ozone layer, quench third world poverty, and generally change the world. At least, that is what all our teachers said we would be able to do. Remember all those things we used to get into? 'Go Green', 'Bridges of Friendship', and 'Save the Whales'. Oh, and let's not forget the trip we took to look at clearcut forests. Now that was an eye opener, but really, what did we DO about it, except look at it? Maybe we said to ourselves...'Man, that's horrible. But when I get older, I'm going to change all that.'

Well, here we are. We have arrived at 'olderness'.

Do we really have to change the world? I think that might be a little too big a responsibility. I mean, we still have to survive. This year, I have seen people that live their lives in ways that I always told myself would never be me. Yet, I look at myself in the mirror now and see a resemblance. I used to be such an idealistic person, and it never really clued in that I was just as much a part of humanity as it was of me.

Someone once told me to hold on to my naivety. Well, that was good advice, for the time. But now things have changed. Now, I wouldn't trade what I have learned for the whole world. I have found my stronghold. Actually, I had it a long time ago, I just hadn't noticed.

For those of you that are still wondering what the heck I'm talking about, let me say, my strength is in God. He is the only thing that keeps me going from day to day. God has given me a hope that I never thought I'd know. I'm still realizing this today, even as I write this commentary.

Don't get me wrong, it's not like my life is perfect now that God is in it, it's just complete (there is a difference). I still go through all the stuff I'm 'supposed' to go through at this age. The difference is that with God, I have answers to more of the burning questions that typically plague the young adult mind. And I'm trying my best not to live my life in a bubble.

People! My friends. We can't live our lives in bubbles, because if we fly too high on air, we are bound to fall down eventually and break a limb. What is air besides a few loose particles anyways? So instead, I offer a suggestion. Find the One True Stronghold. Find God. CHOOSE God. Remember, I'm not promising you anything, but God is. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.' John 3.16 Now that's a great promise.

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