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Comedy Injuries

With all the technological advancements in the sport of rowing, it has become easier and easier to go faster. These technological advancements have also brought with them the added advantage of reducing serious injuries. However, rowing is a sport, and, as with any sport, injuries do occur. Some of these injuries can be serious unfortunatly, however some of them can just be plain ammusing. I have decided to try and gather together some of these comedy injuries, and let everyone enjoy them. If you have had, or know of someone who has had a comedy injury, please email me, and I'll put it up asap. All contributions will remain anonymous (unless otherwise requested!)


Contusion of the testicles

Yes guys, as the name suggests it is a very painful affliction. In this case the accident occured whilst the bloke was out sculling, or, more to the point, getting into the sculling boat. He had placed his shoes behind the strecter, and was preparing to push off. To do this he drew his blade accross the boat, and proceeded to push himself off. However, in doing so he managed to jab himself in the balls with the handle. As you can imagine his reaction was to double up in pain. However this was the worst thing that he could have done, as it meant that hsi weight wasn't balenced in the boat. As a result the boat tipped towards the side with the oar drawn accross. This happend quite quickly, resulting in the blade hammering down into the poor guy's groin again. Apparently this was really painfull, meaning that he was unable to sit up to remove the handle from his groinal area, as a result the blade remained in place, and continued pressing down onto his balls. This could have gone on all day, but luckily the wind blew the boat away from the side, and he fell in. As one can imagine, he was not a happy chappy afterwards, and wet and bruised had to limp all the way home.

Cracking a rib ...... nasty fashion.

This story came from somewhere in America, but the bloke who sent it wishes to remain anomous, and not wishing to be sued, I will adhere to his wishes. Apparently this injurey occured during his University days, a couple of months after he had started rowing. Frankly I'm amazed that he continued rowing. I personally would have died from embarassment. The outing started normally enough, exercises were done, pieces rowed, but the coach wasn't happy with the performance of the boat in the pieces, and ordered the crew to do the feet out exercise. Our friend (who was the bow man) wasn't really concentraiting that hard, and so, when the boat tipped down to bow side, he was taken completally by surprise. The oar skidded from his grasp, and thudded into his midrif with such force that, not only did it wind him, it cracked four ribs, and propelled him backwards. He ended up unbable to breath, clutching vainly at the bows of the boat in an attempt not to get wet. Needless to say he failed, slipped into the water, an just to add insult to injury, was promptly run over by the boat!. Painful, but funny!.