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White Buffalo

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As John Fire Lame Deer tells it, the story of the White Buffalo begins one summer so long ago nobody knows how long. The sun shone all the time but there was no game and the people starved. The chief of the Lakota sent 2 young men on foot to hunt. The men climbed a high hill to scan the whole country and there met a beautiful young woman who floated as she walked. One man desired the woman and tried to touch her but was consumed by a cloud of snakes and reduced to a pile of bones. The other man returned to his camp and told the people the holy woman was coming. When she arrived, the woman gave the people a sacred pipe and taught them how to use it to pray.

"With this holy pipe, you will walk like a living prayer," She said. The woman also told the people about the value of buffalo, women and childern. "You are from the mother earth" she told the women. "What you are doing is as great as what the hunters do."
Before she left, she told the people she would return; and, as she walked away, she rolled over four times, turning into a white buffalo calf. After that day, the people took care of the pipe and buffalo were pleniful until the coming of the Europeans. Even so, the old ways survive and today, the sacred White Buffalo Calf pipe is kept by Arville Looking Horse of Green Grass, South Dakota.

This recording is a wonderful reminder to us that we are sacred and loved. I hope you enjoy it. Many blessings.

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