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There is always a calm before the storm. Then the storms will come with their scorn.

A time of beauty and peace that we see. Before the warning sent to you and me.

In life the storms will come it's true. But during the calm our spirit we can renew.

So when the next storm lingering there. Comes our hearts and souls can be prepared.

For much like the storms that bring the rain. Life's storms seem to bring the hurt and pain.

But with Jesus we have everything to gain. With each storm we see that our God reigns.

Satan will continue sending storms to our life. An we will go through the toil and strife.

But during the calm we'll grow stronger in Christ. Because He controls the storms in our life.

Satan will try to block the path we trod. But during the storms we'll trust God.

The calm before the storm a time to renew. All God is and wants from me and you. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

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