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I really can't explain Hawksley. He is simply amazing. He grew up near Huntsville, Ontario and is 25. He has already produced at least 7 albums, including Tegan & Sara's "This Business of Art". If you've looked at my concert section, you'll notice that I listed Hawksley's show as the best I have ever been to. I am not joking. His albums take a few listens to really get appreciated. The range of notes he can hit just blow my mind.

So I bought his newest release, "(last night we were) the delicious wolves", his follow up to "for him and the girls". I'm playing "last night we were..." right now and it is just kicking my ass it is so good. Favourites on the album right now are Striptease, Jealous of Your Cigarette, Little Tragedies, Your Beauty Must Be Rubbing Off, and Clever Not Beautiful. Favourites off his first album have got to be...all of them? No Sissies, Bullets, and Safe & Sound are really great. I requested those 3 songs for the concert and he played them all. I also bought his book, "hawksley burns for isadora". It is a collection of notes to an elusive lover. His mother adds accompanying illustrations.

I really don't know what else to say, but if he ever hits your town you must go see him. Even if you've never heard any of his songs. I'm sure by the end of the night you'll buy at least one of his cds.

"Soldiers line up in a pretty little way. My boys, my toys, my girls, the WORLD! I see you and your dirty little birds at night when the curtains close..."

"Striptease for me baby..."

"Dirty and true, dirty AND true!"

A man of many talents

Hawksley and me :)

A great step routine

Look who I met!!! Dave Foley of 'Kids in the Hall'

for him and the girls