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Sarajevo, May 21, 2004

Letter of support of the Most Reverend Desmond M Tutu presented on May 21 at a working lunch thrown by the Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa, H.E. Jannie Momberg in cooperation with Mr Jakob Finci.

The Hague, March 25-27, 2004

Conference «From Peace to Justice»


The Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies (Leiden University) organized a special session on March 26 that dealt with truth and reconciliation commissions and other mechanisms of transitional justice. The discussion was focused on issues like impact of TRC, negative effects of the TRCs, the role revealing or hiding the truth plays, impunity and the rule of the law. Mr. Jakob Finci, the president of the Association Truth and Reconciliation, spoke about efforts to establish a truth and reconciliation commission in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The event dealt with the effectivieness of the supranational penal approach, in particular when compared with truth and reconciliation commissions, which are often as effective and appropriate.


London, 19 – 21 September

International Conference and «Workshop Pathways to Reconciliation»


President of the Association, Mr. Jakob Finci participated in the conference and workshop which brought together individuals and groups from different cultural, national, philosophical and religious traditions to exchange views on issues, topics and projects of common interest and concern. Through this interdisciplinary and cross-cultural collaboration a network will be established to foster practices directed towards reconciliation.


Srebrenica, 17. September 2003.

Round Table Discussion on Crime and Truth


Forum of citizens Tuzla organized a round table discussion that dealt with crime and truth in Srebrenica. Along with representatives of non governmental organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina and most of the Coordination Board members of the Association Truth and Reconciliation, participants from Serbia and Crna Gora also took part in the discussions.


The issue of crime in the regional context was discussed with emphasis on the genocide that took place in Srebrenica in 1995. The participants agreed that truth must be made known and that the Hague Tribunal is one of the key instruments in achieving this goal.


Berlin, April 9 – 12, 2003 

A delegation of the Association Truth and Reconciliation visited Berlin, FR Germany, where it had a number of meetings organized on April 10 and 11. The visit was organized and sponsored by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. The delegation of the ATR included Mr. Jakob Finci, the President, Mr. Srdjan Dizdarevic, the Member of the Coordination Board and Mr. Hazim Kazic, the Secretary General. Among others, all the events were also attended by Mr. Heribert Scharrenbroich, the former Secretary of the State and Dr. Cornelio Sommaruga, former president of the Committee of the Red Cross and current president of the “Initiative for Change”. 

The rationale behind the idea to establish a truth and reconciliation commission in Bosnia and Herzegovina was presented at meetings with 

Hermann Groehe, Member of the Parliament

Dr. Stephan Reimers, President of the EKD Council

Hans-Henning Blomeyer-Barnstein, Office of the Chancellor, Deputy Head of the Department for Foreign Affairs, Global Issues and External Security,

Michael Schaefer, director of the Political Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

A panel discussion entitled “There can be no permanent peace in Europe without peace in the Balkans – The Process of Truth and Reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina” was organized at the German Parliamentarian Society on Thursday, April 10. 

The delegation of the Association also met with the Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina in FR. Germany, Mr. Nedeljko Despotovic during their stay in Berlin. 

A strong and unequivocal support to the idea of establishing a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as sincere willingness to support the initiative both morally and financially was voiced and reaffirmed at all of the meetings.

Report of Mr. Heribert Scharrenbroich, retired State Secretary, on the visit


Berlin, 12 - 15 March, 2003

Conference «Learning and Remembering: The Holocaust, Genocide and State Organized Crime in the Twentieth Century»

A four-day conference dedicated to the comparative genocide research and the research on crimes against humanity was organized in  Berlin. Several workshops and panel discussions constituted an integral part of the conference, one of them dealing with the notion of establishing a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Bosnia and Herzegovina. On behalf of the Association Truth and Reconciliation Mr. Jakob Finci spoke about the necessity to confront openly our recent and painful past.

Brussels, September 9 - 10, 2002
EU voices strong support to establishment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission

European Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Brussels organized a series of meetings for Mr. Jakob Finci, President of the Association Truth and Reconciliation, with high officials of the European Commission and European Parliament. The purpose of the meetings was to inform the EU administration about progress achieved in establishment of a TRC in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to secure support of the EU to the idea.

Durng the two day stay in Brussels, Mr. Finci met with Mr. Tobien Sohlstrom and Mrs. Helene Holm - Peterson (Balkan Experts of the Council of the European Union), Mr. Reinhard Priebe and Mr.John Dunn (European Commission), Mr. Robert Zeltenrust (Stability Pact - Human Rights and Democratisation), Mr. Elmar Brok (MEP), Mr. Wim G. Van Velzen (MEP), Mr. Franz-Josef Reuter (Director of KAF), Mr. Dr. Nicholas Whyte (ICG), Mr. Klaus Welle (EP),  Mr. Jamie Shea (NATO) and Mr. Seideneck, Balkan expert of European Federation of German Trade Unions.

It was reaffirmed at all meetings that establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Bosnia and Herzegovina is vital for initiation of the national dialogue that will lead to elimination of multiple “truths”, which get in the way of recreating Bosnia and Herzegovina as a tolerant, multi-cultural society.

Wolfsberg (Ermantingen, Switzerland) May 23.-24, 2002
Forum Accountability in War

International Committee of the Red Cross organized a forum dealing with war and accountability in Wolfsberg, Switzerland. It began with a panel discussion during which individuals who have experienced reality of conflict at first hand presented their views followed by discussions on accountability of political factors and humanitarian organizations.

In his speech, Mr. Jakob Finci stressed the fact that only full accountability of everyone involved for past events can help people in BH to live again as they lived for centuries. With a successful completion of all cases before the Hague Tribunal and work of the Bosnian Truth and Reconciliation Commission, we will have an opportunity to ensure that the mistakes of our past will not be repeated.

Tuzla, May 23., 2003
Round Table Discussion on Missing Persons
A round table discussion on missing persons was organized in Tuzla on May 23. Mr. Vehid Šehić, member of the Coordination Board of the Association,  addressed the participants on behalf of the Association Truth and Reconciliation.

April 23 - 24: Stockholm International Forum TRUTH, JUSTICE AND RECONCILIATION

The Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson has invited the governments of more than 40 countries to take part in the “Stockholm International Forum: Truth, Justice and Reconciliation” on 23-24 April. The conference will discuss how truth and justice is related to reconciliation.

The conference will give governments, the research community and the professional groups concerned the opportunity to exchange views and experiences on the subject of reconciliation. When is reconciliation possible, how can it be achieved, with which means?

Speeches of the participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina who will address the Forum can be read by following the links below:

Why do we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission? - Jakob Finci, President of the Association Truth and Reconciliation:

Truth and Reconciliation in BH - Srdjan Dizdarevic, Member of the Coordination Committee

Ways of Reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Branko Todorovic, Member of the Coordination Committee  

Bijeljina - April 10, 2002

Public tribune “It is time… Truth and Reconciliation”


A public tribune entitled “It is time… Truth and Reconciliation” was organized in Bijeljina on April 10, 2002. Along with representatives of political parties, religious communities and civil society a significant number of young people from Bijeljina and neighbouring region took part in the tribune. Branko Todorovic opened the tribune and Esad Bajtal and Jakob Finci delivered keynote speeches.


The idea was strongly supported although some of the participants in the discussions believed that economic progress must precede the process of reconciliation and that we should wait for better times to establish the Commission. On the other hand, the majority felt that this is the right time in order to avoid “cementing” of the existing situation and that both these processes – development of economy and initiation of activities related to reconciliation should be developed at the same time. Younger participants were far more active in the discussions, which is quite encouraging.



Harrogate, March 9, 2002
Bradford, March 11, 2002

Mr. Jakob Finci, the President of the Asosociation, spoke at the Unison Balkans Seminar about progress achieved in establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Bosnia and delivered a lecture at the Bradford University on the Prospects for Reconciliation in Bosnia.

Tuzla, 28. February 2002: Panel Discussion - A Debate About Our Past

Mr. Jakob Finci, President of the Association, and Mr. Vehid Sehic, Member of the Association’s Coordination Board, talked about Truth and Reconciliation Commission at the panel discussion in Tuzla. About one hundred visitors attended the panel including the President of the Assembly of Tuzla Kanton and Head of Tuzla Municipality.

Moscow, February 12 – 17, 2002

Regional Conference on International Justice


Hazim Kazic, secretary general of the Association Truth and Reconciliation, participated in the conference on international justice that was organized by the International Federation of Human Rights and Memorial in Moscow. In addition to discussing fundamental principles of international criminal justice, fight against impunity and issues related to establishment of the International Criminal Court, special panels were organized on relations between justice and truth and reconciliation commissions and on justice and transition in South East Europe.


It was reaffirmed that the TRC process is not incompatible with justice. The two reinforce each other and each occupies a space that the other cannot occupy. They both serve equally essential and complementary roles.

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Last modified:  25/05/2004