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    What should I call this Place?!

        Send suggestions to  Me   Winner will get due credit and since almost all the people visiting this site are A.) Family or B.) Friends they may not want me to publically acknoledge I associate with them(as it makes it hard to keep it a secret from their parole officers).

    The Banner

        For those who may not be familiar with me enough to understand the seemed nonsense of my banner, I shall explain.  First, I look like Jyrki Lumme, the former Vancouver Canucks defenseman(extra credit to those who also said Wayne Gretzky or Conan O'brien).
        Secondly, I went to the WWF PPV "Rock Bottom" in '98 dressed as "the Blue Blazer", Owen Harts old gimmicks(his last too, sadly).  As amazing as it is that I admit that, I am also trying to get footage of it (the early costume sucked.  I have since revised it).  Kudos to those who have seen me.  As may you know, Owen has sinced died due to his cape getting caught in a harness which was to lower him from the rafters at a PPV.  I put it storage for atleast a year not wanting people to think I'm disrespecting him or leetching off his tragedy.
        This brings me to the final piece of the aforementioned banner.  My friends and I rent a wrestling ring once in a while and clown around fake beating each other up.  Since we aren't professionals we tend to get the "fake" part wrong and leave with "real" injuries.   My friends Kevin, who discovered this place, and Derek, actually ended up joining the school that ran out of that building  thats right, a wrestling school.  I sucked before, now I look like the Brooklyn Brawler; and no that's not good.  Kevin, is a real talent, who is under 180lbs.  He is "jobbed" to everyone in his time zone because of this and so much so he should get some sort of belt made in his honour.  So there is a little history for ya.


        I started a team last season.  I was tired of putting up with crap so i said"hey, why can I be the one fucking up and pissing people off while simultaniously getting hosed by people not paying".  So, here I am.  We're called the Cheifs and we copied the road Jerseys from "Slapshot"(except they're purple 'cause everyone didn't get there jersey money in until the last minute).  Last season, we went 3-14-0-1.  Whoo hoo!  I'm happy to say that so far this season our record is 6-2-0-1.


    Here I'll feature one one the people who wiilingly makes eye contact with me when I talk to them.

    Joke of the Undetermined Period of Time

    There are alot of things I can associate with that adjective.  But, I have many that are not in relation to me.


    Lots of fun here.  Pretty bent stuff.