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Inflammatory Breast Cancer
IBC Warriors' Site

twinkling star image

Image of a Woman - Botticelli's Venus

This site is dedicated to giving encouragement
to all IBC patients through the inspiring
stories of IBC patients who were diagnosed
in 2000 and more recently.

The wisdom, courage, and experiences of these
IBC Warriors* are invaluable for all of us,
and we thank them for sharing and giving all
of us courage for the future.

We are all Warriors in this battle against IBC.

Please click here to hear: 'I Can See Clearly Now'


Please click on the Warriors' Names to view their web sites.
The numbers reflect the date and age when diagnosed.

twinkling star image

*** 2001 ***

* Marguerite Scafati
01/11/01, 54

* Manon Maurais
02/01, 36

* Marianne

* Rainbow
03/30/01, 36

* Noreen Grasse
03/30/01, 48

* Sandy
04/09/01, 60

* Carmen Cochran
04/15/01, 53

* Mary Ann Weisz
05/05/01, 59

* Elaine
07/12/01, 59

* Sandra McGill
07/17/01, 60

* Gerri Collins
09/01, 53

* Ginger Duran
10/01, 38

* Joyce Bell
10/06/01, 43

* Janet Meisenzahl
10/11/01, 60

* Juliet Fischer
12/21/01, 53

*** 2002 ***

* Rebecca Lyall
01/02, 50

* Wendy
02/07/02, 36

* Louise 'Louie' Parker
02/12/02, 54

* Anne (in Cincinnati)
02/14/02, 43

* Julie
03/1/02, 44

* Janis
03/12/02, 46

* Stacy
03/22/02, 54

* Katlady
04/15/02, 35

* Carol Walske
04/16/02, 47

* Carolyn
04/25/02, 49

* Dannette
04/26/02, 53

* Diane
04/30/02, 37

* Elovene Youngquist
05/02, 54

* Rosemary Donnolly
05/01/02, 47

* Andrea
05/03/02, 32

* Robi Fleming
05/10/02, 45

* Janet Rae
05/19/02, 48

* Kathy
05/30/02, 40

* Terri
06/21/02, 28

* Laurie Rounds
07/31/02, 47

* Judy Near
08/09/02, 49

* Mindy Beers
09/13/02, 44

* Jane Harness
09/17/02, 47

* Connie Alvis
10/08/02, 55

* Lynn
10/08/02, 37

* Genevieve Ausilio
10/02, 69

* Jackie Macpherson
11/02, 42

*** 2003 ***

* C. Jodie Ransom
01/15/03, 49

* Mia
01/27/03, 35

* Teresa T Gonce
02/06/03, 46

* Susan
04/15/03, 57

* Glenda Allen
04/23/03, 58

* Patricia Ann Jackson
05/03, 56

* Aimee Kristine Shaw
05/20/03, 30

* Annalee Do
05/27/03, 29

* Linda Joan Hill
05/29/03, 49

* Maureen Tanya Waller (Australia)
06/01/03, 59

* Katie Stewart Waegele
06/10/03, 46

* LeAnn Anderson
06/13/03, 34

* Annie Proffit
06/24/03, 54

* Kathleen C. Moran
07/01/03, 43

* Martha Wellman
07/07/03, 44

* Sandra A. Ashworth
07/15/03, 48

* Bette W
07/22/03, 54

* Janet McDonald
07/24/03, 26

* Juanita Floryan
07/03, 52

* Jody Zaerr
08/03, 36

* Loretta Schumacher
09/04/03, 46

* Janet Kay Filidoro
10/13/03, 56

* Carol Cleveland
10/21/03, 54

* Leeza Torres
11/22/03, 34

* Karen Lang
12/11/03, 51

*** 2004 ***

* Felice Berry
01/13/04, 55

* LeAnn Haling
03/03/04, 54

* Lili Cierley
03/31/04, 50

* Lora Bronken
06/29/04, 45

* Peggy Freshour Osborne
07/08/04, 72

* Anne-Marie Ingersoll-Stroubos
07/28/04, 47

* Norma Staffiero Arviso
08/17/04, 63

* Karen Ann Tulock
09/01/04, 61

* Judy Wilson
09/23/04, 57

* Patricia White
09/30/04, 48

* The term 'IBC Warrior' was originally proposed in 1999 by Lee Smith, an extraordinary example of an IBC Warrior, to signify the IBC patients who are still fighting this disease whether they are still in active treatment, or not.


Warrior Women

Author unknown

You join an army of wounded women, who wear pretty clothes that conceal the scars and the pain and who summon brave smiles to camouflage anxiety. We each share a touching, intimate memory of a day that changed our lives forever.

A memory of a morning shower when we touched our breasts and cried. A long last look in the mirror, as we said good-bye. Good-bye to vanity. Good-bye to self pity. We haven't the time. We measure life in moments, and momentum.

We are the meaning of lifelong friends. Bosom buddies gathering strength from one another. We are courageous. We are proud. A circle of women, we span the globe, and we have touched eternity.

There is a word that strikes fear in our hearts--the word is recurrence. We try endlessly to search the reason. We valiantly fight to find the cure. We do so for daughters, granddaughters and for friends and ourselves.

We do so for the women who have gone before us. With each loss we feel tremendous anger. We rage. We taste fear. But with each loss our capacity to love deepens. It grows, it ripens, it blooms.

Each precious moment on this earth is a gift. We will not leave this gift unopened. We will not leave one smile undone. We will not leave one hug forgotten. We will not miss one opportunity to make a difference.

We are Women Warriors. Our casualties are high. The women who have gone before us have lost a battle with breast cancer, but they haven't lost the war.

We honor these women, we feel them, we remember them. We carry them with us, and we made each one a promise. A promise to never again look the other way.

We have breast cancer. We are alive.


Please click here to Submit Information or Update Your Information to this IBC Warriors' Site if you were diagnosed in 2001 or more recently.

If you were diagnosed in 2000 or prior years, please submit your information to the IBC Survivors' Site here.

Listen to Songs while viewing this website or to select for your Warrior's webpage.


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