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CIW E-Commerce Practice Exam


(Choose the best answer)


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1. Certificates do which of the following?

A: Offer absolute proof of identity
B: Assists in authentication only
C: Are best for E-Comm sites for special groups
D: Offer the selective disclosure of information

2. Of the following encryption standards, which is not one?

A: VeriSign© Certificate
B: Symmetric
C: Asymmetric
D: One-Way

3. The Secure Hash Algorithm was developed by NIST and is a?

A: Message Digest
B: Type of RSA encryption
C: Cipher Block
D: Type of 128 bit encryption

4. In order to participate in SET transactions you need?

A: Personal digital certificate
B: Server certificate
C: Public key cryptography
D: Certificate authority certificate

5. Verisign© offers two types of personal certificates, what are they?

A: Consumer and business personal certificate
B: Low level certificate and high encryption certificate
C: Level one and level two certificate
D: 56 bit and 128 bit certificate

6. There are four types of certificates. What standard do they use?

B: MD5
C: X 509 v3

7. In 1996, SET was created by the merging of two protocols and is expected to become the standard?

A: True
B: False
C: Maybe
D: Not likely

8. An employee wants a method of strong authentication for his personal use. What would you recommend?

A: Certificate authority certificate
B: Personal certificate
C: Digital wallet
D: Use a Data Encryption Standard (ie:DES)

9. OBI has several features, one of which is?

A: Not as prone to incompatibility problems like EDI
B: It runs on the transport layer of the OSI
C: It has a lower cost to implement
D: It works well with production based supplies

10. The following four components are typical of what type of transaction?
(Requisitioner, Buying organization, Selling organization, Payment Authority)


11. In order to use SSL you require which one of the following?

A: Server software(ie:Site Server)
B: Established trading partner
C: Digital certificate(ie:Verisign©)
D: ANSI EDI X12 850 protocol

12. One of the least attractive features of EDI is?

A: Security
B: RSA encryption
C: Trading partners requesting your business to convert
D: Cost

13. An EDI message contains a string of elements. The entire string is known as?

A: A data segment
B: The X12 850 EDI segment
C: A transaction set
D: A SSL transaction

14. In order to enable online transactions you need to perform 3 tasks. What are they?

A: Set up online merchant account
B: Prepare server & E-Commerce site
C: Purchase digital certificate
D: Install payment software

15. You can define E-Commerce in two ways. What are they?

A: Commerce conducted by any electronic medium
B: Commerce conducted strictly online
C: As a merging of data management, communications and security
D: As secure transactions only conducted through use of a web browser

16. The Open Trading Protocol(OTP) defines what?

A: Standardized XML tags
B: EDI transaction processing methods
C: The B2C business model
D: The options that control how a trade occurs

17. For effective site usability, an E-commerce site needs to achieve four goals. What is the first one?

A: Marketing
B: Attract users to the site
C: To give users the information they require
D: Security

18. The Online Copyright Infringment Act does what?

A: Exempts an ISP from liability based on certain criteria
B: Prevents anyone from using Copyright materials
C: Allows all information on the web to be free of Copyright
D: Exempts all web content from Copyright

19. Infrastructure and purchasing is the goal of what?

A: A B2B network
B: An OBI compliant B2B network
C: A High-End E-Commerce package
D: A B2C model using OTP and XML

20. The No Electronic Theft(NET) Act deals mainly with what?

A: Theft of software
B: Financial gain
C: Theft of credit card numbers online
D: Export of high encryption standards

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