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Welcome to the cryptodominion, a site devoted to informing the public about the members of the animal kingdom which remain unclassified. Contrary to popular misconception, the faunal lists are far from complete, and new animals, large and small, are still being discovered. However, alot of the time these discoveries are poorly documented, or the discoverers just aren't funded enough. In fact, it's next to impossible to get funds for expedition to go looking for new species, because popular misconception states that there are no species left to look for. Judge for yourself.

Rather than listing the cryptids by their region, like North America or SE Asia, I am listing all the cryptids according to what type of animal they are. Thus there is a list of the worlds crypto-felines, crypto-canids, and so on. Some cryptids don't quite fit into any category, or they deserve their own, so rather than creating a bunch of small catagories for these cryptids, there will be one misc. section, where lots of strange or unique cryptids will have a home. Some other cryptids resemble some animal groups (ie the Marsupial tiger resembles real tigers), and those will be included in the category of the animals they resemble. Thus, the hyaena-like animals from North America are included in the canine section.

Above all, this site is meant as a reference for the researcher or serious student who has a lust for knowledge and a thirst for the unknown. It is my opinion that all the creatures listed here are perfectly natural species, although some researchers think otherwise. But you should just remember that although some of these may not exist, the fact that their legend exists is remarkable enough in it's own right.

To inform me of any cryptid which I do not have listed, or to give information regarding any cryptid which I am not certain about, email me at
Send any questions/comments/death threats to
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ATTENTION! Anyone who insists that sasquatches don't exist just because one has never been hit by a car should visit Prove sasquatch's existence; hire more Redneck truck drivers


Cryptozoology does NOT concern aliens, shapeshifters, faeries or ghosts. Anyone who has a serious interest in cryptozoology shouldn't listen to, or think like, Erik Beckjord, the psychotic certifiable drunken junkie hobo cryptozoologist wannabe from hell.

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