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A drawing of he most famous homin other than the yeti; the sasquatch

"Homins" is the name given to large, human-like creatures that are reported across the world; the creatures that are studied by hominologists. They include hominids, hominoids, and any erect pongids like Gigantopithecus. NOT included are pongid apes (chimp or gorilla-like animals), monkeys, or any other primates. These are dealt with under "other primates". The one exception to that is DeLoys's ape which is probably a giant spider monkey, but it walks upright so will be considered here. The yeti (Abominable snowman), the world's most famous cryptid, is included in "other primates" because it is far more gorilla-like than man-like.

  • Sasquatch (Pacific North West NA): Undoubtedly the most famous cryptid in NA, the sasquatch is a large humanoid primate, either Australopithecus, Homo erectus, or Homo heidelbergensis (the latter seems most likely). Has no fire or tool making ability, primarily vegetarian, and has instinctive fear of humans. Occasionaly agressive.

  • Manaha (Great Lakes region NA): Also known as windigo, eastern bigfoot or Ohio's Abombidible Snowman. It is similar to the sasquatch but differs in having a long "mane" of hair on the head and being primarily carnivorous. One individual in Missouri, dubbed "momo", caused an uproar by taking up residence near a town and trying to abduct pets and small children.

  • Toonijuk (Arctic Canada and AlaskaNA): Also known as marked hominids or true giants, these are truly gigantic homins which dwell in the arctic regions of North America. They are very human-like and are probably remnants of Homo gardarensis or H. heidelbergensis. In Alaska the same kind of creatures are called Arulataq, but are covered in long flowing hair as opposed to thick short hair.

  • Wood devils (Eastern United States NA): A major part of Appalacian folklore, wood devils are tall, skinny humanoids with an almost "stick-man" appearence, due to their gracile build. Are considered hostile by the locals, and are much feared. Possibly a modern descendant of the gracile Au stralopithecines, or perhaps a race of the other eastern hominid.

  • American "gnomes" (All over NA and into Mexico): A race - or species - of little people which dwells all across North America. They are brought up heavily in tribal lore across NA, and are spoken of as malevolent and agressive towards human beings. Fossils of human pygmies that were only 14 inches tall found in California help to support the possibility of these creatures existence. Also, there was a recent sighting of a "hairy short person" in New Mexico. It was described as "not human".

  • Sisemite (Central America): A 5 foot tall homin from Central America, especially Guatemaula and Costa Rica, which is covered in black hair which grows almost to the ground. Could be an Australopithecus-like creature, or an erectus-like species such as heidelbergensis.

  • DeLoys's ape (All over the Amazon SA): Also known as Mono Grande or didi, this is either a giant spider monkey without a tail, or a South American ape that walks upright. It was named Ameranthropoids Loysi by a collegue of Francois DeLoys, an explorer who took a photograph of a dead didi. It remains controversial as it may show an ordinary spider monkey, but it seems way too big and there are differences in the head and arms from an ordinary spider monkey. Also, natives who have seen the photo swear up and down it shows a mono grande.

  • Ucu (Andes Mountains SA): Also known as ucumar or ukumar-zupia, the ucu is South America's equivelant of the sasquatch. many sightings have ocurred since the mid-20th century, and the locals have long spoke of "ape-men" in the area. It is said to be fond of the Payo plant, the inside of which is like cabbage. The ucu is most likely the same thing as the sasquatch, only a southern race.

  • Brazilian little-people (Brazil SA): Described variously as "leprechauns", "pygmies", and "dwarves", these little peopel are seen sporadically in the Amazon rainforest. Are probably just a race of extremely short native people, but may be members of a different species (discussed below).

  • Kimos (Madagascar AFRICA): Proto-pygmies reported from Madagascar. Popular opinion is that thes, and other proto-pugmies, are survivors from some ancien species of small human, but my opinion is that they are in fact new species which evolved from human pygmies who colonised those areas extremely early in human history.

  • Agogwe (Central African countries): "Little hairy men" who have been seen my many credible witnesses, and are a major part of tribal lore. They are most probably NOT the same as other proto-pygmies, but may be a missing-link between the early apes and the early humanoids.

  • African long haired hominoids (All over the African continent): Various different man-sized hominoid creatures have been observed throughout Africa, and to save space I am lumping most of them together here. They all have long hair on their bodies of a reddish or brownish colour, and are rather humanoid. I think they are the remnants of various ancient Hominoid species, like Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and various species of Homo.

  • Giant African hominoids (Sudan, Kenya, Zaire and Cameroons AFRICA): Huge African humanoids, getting upwards at nearly 14 feet tall. Probably new modern genera descended from Homo heidelbergensis, although could be some kind of bipedal pongid, like a giant gorilla that walks upright or something.

  • Fating'ho (Senegal AFRICA): A large bipedal primate of some kind. Mention is never really given as to what kind of primate it is, altough it seems to either me a Hominoid or a big bipedal pongid.

  • Wokolo (Senegal AFRICA): Very similar to fating'ho, possibly the same creature. Same problemas with the fating'ho, in that what kind of primate it is is unknown.

  • European wildmen (Eastern Europe, and the French Pyrenees): Wild humans that don't belong to our species. They are described as being covered in hair except for their faces, the palms of their hands, soles of their feet and their knees. Ther hair is not like fur or wool, but is long coarse hair like that on our heads. These wildmen are most likely Neanderthals that do not have any society, but they have not been reported in recent times and are most likely extinct. However, classical representations show another type of wild man, with an appearence almost identical to modern humans and only a little hairy than the most hirsute of us. Lost tribes, perhaps?

  • Fear Liath Mor (Northern Scotland EUROPE): Also known as the Greyman (Fear Liath Mor trnalsates to "big grey man"), these creatures are usually associated with the peak of Ben McDhui, and the way in which they seem to gaurd it. However, that is mostly false superstition, as then greymen are also known from the Caiorngorms, the Black Mount, and even the islands of Skye. Said to be large, grey coloured, and rather fearsome-looking. Also alleged to stalk people who tresspass in their territory. Could be remnants of H. heidelbergensis.

  • "running man" (Scotland EUROPE): An extremely sasquatch-like creature, seperate from the greyman, which has been a part of Scottish folklore and traditions for centuries. One sighting describes a creature whose face was "human... but not human". It is known for it's preference for running, as opposed to walking, and has a tendency to run alongside cars to look inside the windows. Most likley a Scottish version of the sasquatch.

  • Basajaun (Spain EUROPE): Also called "lord of the wood", this creature is knonw as a "hairy giant" which can be extremel hostile towards humans, and often visits homes looking for food. One recorded attack occured when a group of paleontologists was pounced upon by a pair of the creatures. They said to stand about 5 or 6 feet tall. Likely to be the same thing as the French wildmen.

  • Ventimiglian giant (Northern Italy, EUROPE): A flurry of recent sightings (late 90's, 96, 97, ect) of emmense creatures, described as hairy giants over 2 meters in height, occured in Nrthern italy, near Ventimiglia. One sighting detailed three of the creatures milling around in the trees, while antoher one made note that the subject had an extrmely short, thick neck. My guess is that a sasquatch-like creature exists in Italy, as opposed to the "wildmen" seen in other areas of mainland Europe.

  • Scandinavian "bigfoot" (Sweden, Norway, and Spitzbergen EUROPE): A handful of reports has come from Sweden, others from Norway, and even more remarkable is that a research team doing a geological survey of Spitzbergen encuntered a large, long-haired hominid, similar to the Arulataq of Alaska. These things also seem rather sasquatch-like, and my guess would be that they are the same kind of thing as the sasquatch.

  • Vedi (Croacia and Hungary EUROPE): A hairy wildman sighted until the mid-20th century in Croacia, especially near the Hungarian border. Many cases involve females sneaking in to stables where the male farm-hands have been sleeping, then cozying up beside them. Talk about bestiality..... these may be a form of "wildman", or a sasquatch-like creature.

  • Dwarves (Ireland, Scotland, Mainland Europe): These are pygmy humanoids, only a couple of feet tall, which have had various legends spring up around them. The most famous of these are the leprechauns of Ireland; in truth, leprechauns are NOT magical little sprites, but are dwarf humanoid creatures, covered in hair and standing only one or two feet tall. The dwarves of German folklore and the trolls from Scandinavian folklore are undoubtedly the same creature. Possibly a dwarf race of Neanderhals or H. Sapiens, but most probably a new species of Homo, perhaps to be named Homo leprechaunoids.

  • Alma (Western Russia, the Caucasus Mountains ASIA): Wild humans that are spoken of as "retarded Neanderthal men". They are Neanderthal-like except they seem incapable of most reasoning and communicate with loud "BOOM" noises. They are often thought to be modern neanderthals, but it seems more likely that they are descended from one of the many erectus-like peoples who lived across Eurasia long ago, specifically H. heidelbergensis.

  • Kaptar (Mongolia, Russia, Siberia ASIA): Most probably Neanderthals. They seem to be closest to the ancestral Neanderthal stock, and it has been said that they trade and even interbreed with the Mongolians and Siberians of the region. Human/kaptar or human/alma hybrids are always very ugly, more so than an alma or kaptar, but are extremely gifted mentally and talented in all feilds, more so than any human.

  • Baramanu (Pakistan ASIA): it's name meaning "big hairy one", the baramanu was the subject of an expedition in 1990. It is reported from the Shisi Kuh Valley in the chitral region of Northern Pakistan and is said to resemble prehistoric man. many footprints have been found, and Loren coleman was told about the body of a baramanu, but followups were unsuccesful. Most likely to be surviving remnants of an ancient species of the genus Homo, such as H. erectus or H. heidelbergensis.

  • Orang pendek (Sumatra, Borneo ASIA): A four-foot tall humanoid, most possibly Homo erectus. Has very human-like appearence in the face, and long hair on the head, but has it's body covered with hair It has an extremely human-like appearence, but it's footprints have a rather ape-like look to them (opposable first toe), so they may be extremely human-like apes, or erectus descendants which developed an opposable toe..

  • Ngoi-rung (Vietnam ASIA): also called Vietnamese forest-men, the ngoi-rung are either an erect pongid or, much more likely, a jungle-living race of Homo erecrtus. The place in Vietnam where they live has hardly ever been penetrated by humans, and new large mammals are still being discovered there.

  • Yeren (China ASIA): The Chinese "wildman", the yeren is much more likely to be an erect pongid, most likely Gigantopithecus. Large, ape-like, and covered in long ahir. Several have been killed, but the corpses were never examined, and probably eaten.

  • Malaysian "bigfoot" (Maylay peninsula ASIA): A sasquatch-like creature that only has four toes. Is much feared by the locals.

  • Batutut (Malaysia ASIA): A shy, nocturnal "proto-pygmy" reported from the area around Saban, Malaysia. One researcher who found the broad footprints of this creature in 1970 was scared stiff, and never returned to the spot without even knowing it. Most likely an erectus-like species.

  • Hibagon(Japan ASIA): The Japanese version of the sasquatch. It is most likely to be the same basic kind of creature as the sasquatch, although probably a different race at least.

  • Kapre (The Phillipines ASIA): The kapre is a tall, sasquatchlike creature from several of the Phillipine islands. Is usually regared as a harmless inhabitant of the mountains. It is probably the same species, or at least genus, as the hibagon and sasquatch. If the same species does live acorss the Pacific Rim, the different isolated populations probably represent different races or sub-species.

  • Yowie (New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tamania AUSTRALIA): Australia's answer to the sasquatch. Although Australia seems an unlikely place for a large primate, there is the most proof for the yowie's existence, because fossils of a huge hominoid called Meganthropus have been discovered in Australia which correspond with the yowie's appearence; a large, well built hominoid that can get up to 14 feet tall.

  • Moehau (New Zealand OCEANA): The moehau is the least likely of all homins to exist, because it supposedly lives on New Zealand, and there are NO large placental mammals native to that archipelego. It is possible that, like some proto-pygmies, the moehau is descended from some other human species such as H. erectus or even H. sapiens, considering both had the ability to construct ships very early on. But since most reports of the moehau contradict each other, there is less of a chance for it's existence than the others listed here.

  • Malaitan quadrupedal hominoids (Solomon Islands OCEANA): Small, hair covered hominoids which creep around on all four limbs. Probably a new species descended from human pygmies.

  • New Hebrides Pygmoids (New Hebrides Islands OCEANA): Small, dark skinned pygmoids from the New Hebrides. Possibly just a race of human pygmies, but more probably a new species descended from human pygmies.

  • Solomon "sasquatch" (Solomon islands OCEANA): A tall, hairy hominoid from the Gaudalcanal and Laudari mountains on the Solomon islands. Probably the same kind of creature as whatever the sasquatch, hibagon and kapre are. It seems strange that nealry identical creatures are seen as far apart as Scotland, Japan, the Solomon's, and North America. This is an indication that, if tehy are the same creature, that whatever it is had the ability to travel great distances overseas. It is known that Homo erectus had the ability to build primitive boats; what about heidelbergensis?

  • Cone-headed pygmies (Fiji OCEANA): Pygmies with high, conical heads. The probable explanation is that these pygmies are using the fall-back gene for a saggital crest. All animals have "fall-back" genes which cause them to develop the features that their ancestors had instead of the features which their species has. The ancestral hominoids had a ridge of bone on their head called a saggital crest, which gave a cone-headed appearence; gorillas have one too, and it seems likely that these pygmies have re-aquired the saggital crest for reasons unknown. Definitely descended from human pygmies.