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Cryptid Amphibians

The animals listed here are amphibians, or are most likely amphibians, which are not recognised by Western science. This includes frogs, toads and salamanders, becuase the only cryptid caecilian is not necessarily a caecilian, and will be dealt with under misc.

  • Sil:quey (British Columbia NA): Pronounced seelkee, the sil:quey is a large, alligator-like cryptid seen in many bodies of water across B.C., including the Fraser River and Cultus Lake. I myself have seen what may have been one on the Bedford Channel. These things are most likely some kind of giant salamander, but according to the natives and early settlers they are dangerous carnivores, so perhaps they are some kind of carnivorous salamander. Or even a crocodilian. Also called "black alligators" and "horned water lizards".

  • Californian giant salamanders (Trinity Alps in California NA): Giant salamanders that are said to live in mountain lakes in the Trinity Alps. Most likely a relative of the hellbender, North America's giant salamander (only 4 feet long though). Could be a giant relative of normal salamanders though.

  • Giant pink salamanders (New Jersey, South Carolina and south-central Ohio NA): The settlers to this region often talked about large pink water animals which, by todays standards, would be considered giant salamanders. Andrew Gable has proposed that they are giant mudpuppies. I, however, think that if they are pink, and thus lacking skin pigment, that they may be a cave-dwelling species that gets washed to the surface during floods. They have usually been seen after heavy rains.

  • Tlaltecuhtli (Eastern Mexico NA): The Aztec "earth monster", the tlaltecuhtli was a toad-like monster from Aztec legend. If it ever existed, it was probably some kind of giant toad. It is probably extinct now though.

  • Cameroon "flashlight frog" (Northern Cameroon AFRICA): A frog with a luminous nose has been reported from the northern areas of Cameroon. A luminescent area on it's nose would probably serve to attract insect prey; a very useful adaptation for an insect eater like a frog. Probably a tree frog of some kind, although perhaps related to the big Pyxicephalus frogs of the savannah.

  • White frog (Mutanda, Rwanda AFRICA): A pure white frog that has been reported from areas of the eastern Congo rainforest. Possibly just pure white freaks of known species, or perhaps a new species entirely.

  • Chinese giant toads (Hubei Province in China ASIA): Giant toad-like animals that have been seen near Wuhnun in Hubei Province, China. Most probably giant toads of some kind.