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Welcome to my website about my family and friends.As most of you
know we have 4 kids Amy 25 married to Darcy Expecting there first
baby Jan 2008,Brandon 23 common law with three boys 4, 2 and 6months;
Wade 16, Sabrina 5.
I have a few pics of the whole family. While your he Enjoy your visit.
I have been very busy lately working on my other sites and buying and
selling on ebay.If you go to the links page you can find out more about me
and my family by clicking on the Links. On that site is a more
detailed story about who I am. This site is more dedicated to just my family.
We are a very close family and they are my greatest joy. It is very true that
the richest people are people with a loving family and their health. Enjoy your
life while your on this earth. And remember with the bad there is always alot
of good. Even when it doesn't feel that way at times. When I am not working on
my store or my websites or out singing, or spending time with my family I love to
play online games at and a few others. Both places offer alot of fun and
alot of nice people to chat with. I am enjoying my shows and my children as well
as my online friends.