Chicken Soup for the Community

A project of the Surrey Delta Multicultural Coordinating Society

Surrey Delta Multicultural Coordinating Society and OPTIONS: Services to Communities Society, are inviting you to participate in "Chicken Soup for the Community". We are collecting real stories in our community of people having diverse and respectful relationships, taking a stand to support others, and of the value in diversity. Instead of being "anti"/against, this project looks to give great examples, to model and reinforce the things we should all strive to "do". They are encouraging the community to take part and submit their positive messages, these "chicken soup for the community" stories - the stories of the best side of our community. Our goal is to provide inspiration to our community.
This project builds on the excellent work to end racism and hate activity in our community. Surrey can be proud of the work of the Surrey Delta Multicultural Coordinating Society and their tireless work, including the ERACISM conferences and walks. Equally the Surrey based "Not In Our Town" public education campaign (winner of a Provincial "End Racism 2000" award) has worked hard to end racism and other forms of discrimination. For more information, to volunteer or submit stories, please contact Kimm Davis at OPTIONS (604)596-4321, fax: (604)572-7413 or drop in to 6846 King George Hwy., Surrey, B.C.
Generation Why, the national award winning teen TV show is a proud participant in this project - visit their web site at and tune into Gen Why? TV Show which airs live every Tuesdays at 4:30 p.m. on Shaw Community TV.

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