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Help, President Clinton, Members of Congress and Interested Voters!

I am not taking sides on either political party. All I want is justice. Why don't all of you work together on this. Laws need to be created, changed or simply enforced to protect the elderly! A senior citizen can be kidnapped by their children and taken from their lawful spouse across state lines and the police may label this a "domestic problem" without taking any action.

My wife, while suffering from lung cancer and a mild stroke, was taken from our home in Cape Carancahua, Texas to her daughter's home in Illinois. Her daughter was to have taken her to a scheduled doctor's visit but instead took her across state lines. The next time I saw my wife, three months later, was when she was in a casket.

During the three torturous months that my wife was gone, I made numerous appeals for help to Congressman Ron Paul, to no avail. The only explanation I have received from Congressman Paul's attorney is that the local sheriff's department "dropped the ball." All I know is that Congressman Paul did nothing to help me in what has been the most traumatic time of my life, including the time I served in the Navy during World War II.

Nothing can be done to bring my beloved wife back to me or to bring back the precious time which was lost during those three months. However, it is my fervent wish that no other person should ever suffer the kidnapping of their spouse and be defenseless to do anything about it.

Previous advertisements in Palacios Beacon and the Victoria Advocate created a lot of interest in my running for office against Ron Paul. I appreciated the phone calls and letters from interested voters, but have decided not to run due to lack of funds. You can contact me by phone at (713) 397-1875 or email me at


Robert C. Cleveland
P.O. Box 72
Liverpool, TX 77577
(281) 581-2991





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