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Cirlce Of Friendship


After a few minutes of listening to Nick beating on his drums I decided to go over and appolagize to him for yelling at him. I walked up the deck to the back door and knocked. "Hey." Brian said opening the door. "Hey Brian, I just wanted to appolagize for earlier." "It's ok. Don't worry. You wanna talk to Nick?" I fallowed him in and he showed me the door to the basement. I slowly walked down the stairs as the drum playing got louder and louder. I stopped at the bottom of the steps and watched him for a minute befor he noticed me. I couldn't help, but notice how cute he looked as he played. I stood there nervously and he looked up. He stopped playing and to my surprise he smilled at me. "Hey Jen." "Hi, sorry to interupt you." "No, it's ok." He stood and walked over to me. "What's up?" "Well..I just wanted to say I'm realy sorry for what I did earlier." "I'm realy hot wanna go outside?" He asked as if he didn't hear my appolagy. We went out back and sat on his deck. I remembered the sweet kiss we shared the night befor as we sat down. And then I thought to myself "We could be out together having fun right now if I hadn't broke the date." "Can I ask why you yelled like that?" I sat silent for a minute not wanting to annoy him with my problems. "It wasn't your fault you didn't do anything." He looked at me a little confused. So I decided to tell him all he needed to know. "I had an abussive boyfriend and once in a while...I have these flash backs, like when something happens simliler to what he did to me." "Realy?" He said like he wanted to know more. "Yeah, but I'd rather not talk about it.

We sat there silent for a few minutes till Brian came out. "Calie just came over wanna watch a movie?" We nodded and went into the house. A few minutes later AJ, Howie and Kevin showed up. Soon the movie had no viewers. When all those guys were in a room together it was almost chaos. Laughing and talking. You had to pick one convorsation to join. You couldn't keep up with all of them. I sat quietly and observed the room full of people. AJ and Calie seemed to both be playing the same game. I giggled silently as I watched. They would both flirt heavily with each other like they wanted to go some where and be alone, but neither one would act upon it. Brian at this time was in the corner of the room on the phone with his girl friend. Every now and then I would see a sweet smile spread across his face. Then he would turn to Kevin, Nick and Howie and plead for them to be quiet so he could hear her through the phone. The three guys were loudly laughing and talking about...I don't even know, I couldn't figure it out. Finally after Brian's third "SHHHH." Nick told him to leave the room and he did. Me and Calie didn't get home till three a.m

A couple weeks have passed. Me and Calie were hanging out with the group of guys quite often, almost everyday. We all got along great and had alot of fun together wether we were just watching movies and eating pizza or going to a club. The guys liked having friends out side the group that didn't care that they were the "Backstreet Boys". Calie couldnt find a job and was now working at the diner with me. Calie and AJ were still playing thier little game with each other, witch was starting to annoy everyone and I think they were even begining to annoy each other. If one would just give in, but they were both stubborn and wanted to win. Me and Nick were getting to be good friends. Once in a while he would flirt with me a little, but it was more of a friendly flirt. So I didn't pay that much attention to it.

Brian and Nick's house


"What are they doing?" I asked aloud not directing it to anyone knowing they didn't know either. Calie and Jenna were getting ready to go to a club with me and the rest of the guys. They should have been here by now and I was getting annoyed. Finally they walked in. "Sorry it took so long." Jenna said with a cute smile as he was asking for us to forgive them. "It's ok. Wait, now where is AJ?" "Upstairs on the phone." Brian answered me. "Alright. Go ahead and get in the cars. I'll go get him." They all went outside and I heard three "Shot guns!" as I went up the stairs. I found AJ in my room. He hung up as soon as I walked in. "Ready man?" I asked him. "Yeah, I'm coming." "You should see Calie. She looks hot tonight!" He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I don't know about that girl. She's starting to annoy me." He confessed. "Well your both stubborn. I think she's getting annoyed too." He didn't respond. We down stairs and left with everyone.


We got to the club and I felt as if AJ was avoiding me. "Could he be getting annoyed too?" I thought to myself. I decided to ask him to dance. We went to the dance floor. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me close to him as we danced. "Ok, maybe he isn't getting annoyed." I thought to myself. So I started to grind my hips more than I usually do when we dance. He looked me in the eyes and I felt his hands slowly slide down my back. Befor his hands got to my butt I took them and pulled them back up. He gave me a dirty look and lightly pushed me away from him. I stood there a little shocked and he walked back twords the table were everyone were still sitting. I ran up behind him and grabbed his arm. "What's wrong?" I asked with a little atittude. Everyone heard and looked at us with wide eyes as AJ took my and off his arm. "I'm not playing these fuckin games any more!" "You don't have to get all pissy with me AJ." "Whatever." He turned to walk away. "Don't walk away from me, AJ." "I told you Calie, I'm not playing these games any more!" "That's fine. You were anoying me anyway." "What?! I was annoying you? What the hell? Your the one who was just playing this stupid game out on the dance floor!" "Me you.." I was interupted at Kevin's yell. "Both of you shut up! You look like fools. If your gonna fight go some where private." We both stood shocked. Not knowing what to say we silently sat down at the table. "I'm sorry." I told him. He didn't say anything, he just looked at me. "AJ, I started this crap and I'm ending it right now. Ok?" "Ok." "I realy like being friends and I don't want to fight with you or have you hate me." "I don't hate you. I was doing the same thing you were." "I have an idea." Jenna said. Everyone looked over at her and she continued. "Lets all just vow right now to be friends. Just good friends and nothing more. friends no matter what happens." Jenna never had many friends, cause of Gabe. She finally had a great group of good friends and I think she was affraid it wouldn't last. I think that's where her idea came from. Everyone looked at her for a minute. "I think that's a good idea." I told her with a smile. Soon everyone else agreed. "Friends!" Jenna said as she stood with her drink raised. "Friends!" Everyone said in unison raising a glass.

next chapter

Chapter six
