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This is an online version of the handout my surgeon gave me on the first visit. It is on the plastic surgery information site. It explains in general what goes on, and what to expect. Has photo's that are not too graphic showing how the surgery is usually done.
One personal account of Breast Reduction.
Here is another description of what to expect. It is a bit different and has a downloadable copy of it in Adobe Acrobat format. Nice to print out.

Renea's Breast Reduction page. This is a lengthy wonderful site. I read every word of it and found a lot of helpful information

Jenny's Breast Reduction page...

Pleiades More or Less is a message board loaded with information and you'll meet a lot of ladies at all stages of the process. I don't like message boards as much as I like email lists, or actual chat rooms. This one is very nice and has archives that you can look at if you want information on a specific subject. Archives are big so I found it easier to load the archive, and go to "edit" and "find" in your browser and put the word you are looking for there

Dr. Michael Bermat's Breast Reduction Q&A page. Lots of good info here...some bad info too but we need to know about it don't we? I e-mailed Dr. Bernat with a question and he responded personally to me. I thought that was pretty neat.

Nip Clip'96- An interesting and irreverent journal on breast reduction. Must keep an open mind on this site, but it is amusing as well as informative.

Last and most important is the Breast Reduction list at e-groups. I wish I'd found this place sooner. There are over 300 women on this list in various stages of the breast reduction process. The list generates a LOT of mail each day. I found it easier to manage in digest format. Bring any questions you have, problems you have, insurance stuff, emotions, fears, and rants and raves you have regarding the breast reduction surgery process to this list. You must join e-groups to get on the Breast Reduction list. This is free and painless. You must also send a request to be accepted into the group. This, I assume is so we know each person who is joining is a legitimate breast reduction person, and not some guy out looking photo's. This group was started last August (1999) by several women who were going through it. I think it saved me from jumping out a window once or twice and I didn't have half of the problems that some women have getting through this.


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