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Am I glad I did this? YES, and NO. Does that make sense? No it doesn't. The mixed emotions are pretty normal. As things change and I change and become accustomed to these new breasts I'm sure they'll grow on me. But not too big I hope.

Overall the procedure itself was very untraumatic compared to other types of surgeries I've had. My breast reduction was my 5th surgery in my lifetime. I am 42 years old. The recovery period was easy compared to those too. But I still felt tired long after I thought I should have. My body was tired, and so was my mind.

If you are considering this surgery please find support. Not the kind you get from your family and friends. While they may be supportive, they aren't wearing your boobs. They don't know the issues involved in having these whoppers. They don't know how frustrated and frightened you may become. Ask your Plastic Surgeon if there are other women who have had this surgery who may be willing to talk to you. Join a group. There was nothing like a support group in the town I live in. But the Internet was better for this. Their is a certain amount of anonymity on the net. The Breast Reduction e-group was the best for me. As I said before I wish I'd have found them sooner.

Be mindful of well meaning people who don't understand your need to have the reduction. I could spit at these skinny little women who said "Oh I'd give anything to have breasts like yours" yeah....I bet you would. Strangely enough I found people who thought I did this because of the cosmetic issue. If cosmetic was the only reason I wanted smaller breasts I wouldn't have done it. I'd have kept them and got rid of my butt and my belly. There will always be negative people. Ignore them

I am not sorry I did this. It was good for my health, my back, my skin, my neck, and my ability to move around freely. The first thing I realized when I was finally clear headed and lying on my back in the hospital....I took a breath and breathed in apparently however deeply I usually did, and after that I could go farther with the breath in. It felt so good to breathe...I still breathe in and notice that extra lung capacity. It's nice. I didn't know my breasts affected that so much.

My final comment is this: Trust yourself. If you believe this is what you need do it. Find a plastic surgeon you like. Check him out. Read all you can. Be an informed consumer. Fight for insurance coverage. Look for support from others who are or are going to have this done. And be good to yourself. You'll be fine.


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