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It is with great saddness
I report the passing of my
Beloved Wife and Companion
nee Stevenson
Apr. 21 / 55 to Feb. 9 / 02

Wendy leaves behind her Loving Husband Darrell
& their two wonderful sons
Stevenson - 9 and Andrew - 7

Braveheart Kennels
has CLOSED it's doors
and will no longer be breeding Jack Russell Terriers.
This website will remain on the net for the lovers of Jack Russells to enjoy.

I Wish to Thank Everyone
for all the lovely flowers and cards.

Wendy will be truly missed by her family
and everyone that had the good fortune
of knowing her.

Again, Thank You All.


The year was 1883, the month was April and the churchyard of the parish church at Swymbridge in North Devon was packed with more than a thousand people. Inside the church were members of the great country families, the Mayor, the Town Clerk of Barnstaple, representatives of the Freemasons of the North Devon infirmary and twenty-nine clergymen.

They had come to say their last farewells to a man who was loved and respected throughout the West Country. He was no great country magnate, but a simple country clergyman who had worked among them for more than fifty years.

His name was JOHN RUSSELL.
Dec. 21, 1795 to Apr. 1883

Although John Russell was - according to his lights - a good parish priest, it was not because of his ministry that he was known so far and wide; it was because of his skill and endurance in the hunting field and because he was the protangonist of the type of working terrier which bears his name to this day.

Because the diminutive of John is Jack, John was later know as old "Jack Russell".
Hence the name, Parson's Jack Russell Terrier.

Not many pictures were taken of John Russell.

Rev. JOHN ( Jack ) RUSSELL

Rev. JOHN ( Jack ) RUSSELL
At 80 Years

The Legendary 'TRUMP'
Parson's First Dog.

Bought from a Milkman, this dog was the beginning of the Jack Russell breed as we know it today.
The spot at the base of the tail is known as the 'TRUMP SPOT' on all Jack Russell Terriers.

Hello & Welcome

Our kennel was dedicated to preserving and maintaining the breed standard of the
Jack Russell Terrier.
We were commited to producing top quality award-winning animals with proven pedigrees.
Our dogs were guaranteed to be CERF clear / BAER normal, and were registerable with the JRTCC at one year of age.
We remain members of the JRTCC and signatory to the Breeders Code of Ethics.

to a breeder in Richmond, Ontario.



'Windermere Titan' ex 'Greenwillows Loki'

Wizard's Pedigree

'Wizard' is tri-colored, broken-coat, 12". CERF CLEAR.


7 pups at 7 months with 'Boggsborough Echo'.

4 pups Sept. 26th, 2000 with 'Foxport Mission'.

5 pups Jan. 10th, 2001 with 'Windermere Rally'.

3 pups Apr. 12th, 2001 with 'Salishan Guinevere'.

6 pups May 2001 with 'Sammi' a Washington state bitch.

6 pups Aug. 18th, 2001 with 'Foxport Mission'.

'Wizard' is a real fire-cracker and has produced aspiring offspring.


'Foxport Morgan' ex 'Badger's Den Archibold'

Mission's Pedigree

'Foxport Mission' is tri-color, smooth coat, 11 3/4".
She has proven herself with her first litter out of 'Burwood Bicester of Salishan',
second & third litter out of 'Salishan Wizard of Braveheart'


'Foxport Mission' ex 'Salishan Wizard'

Owner - Debra Krause
'Wiridgil Jack Russell Terriers'
Camperdown, Australia.

Nov, 2001
Tug's second time out, he won,
1st in Age Class
Reserve Dog ( 2nd Best in Show )
Best Broken Coat and
2nd in Unproven Hunting Class

Tug is enjoying his new home down-under
and has all ready made his mark at Wiridgil
with a litter out of
'Rosie's Delight'.

Congratulations to 'Wiridgil Jack Russell Terriers'

'Windermere Rally' ex 'Salishan Wizard'
Born Jan 10th, 2001





'Tek of Windermere' ex 'Fox Run Risk'

Titan's Pedigree


'Highland Acres Kooteney' ex 'Jocko Hunt Venus'

Loki's Pedigree


'Riverview Flare' ex 'Heliwr Chance'

'Salishan Wizard' - Paternal Grandson
'Windermere Titan' - Son
'Windermere Rally' - Maternal Grand-daughter
'Foxwarren Floyd' - Paternal Great Grandfather

Risk has earned the
JRTCA Bronze Medallion
for hunting red fox, raccoon and groundhog.
She has placed highly in many competitions and has been at the top of many of the
JRTCA National Trials as Best and Best Working Terrier.
Her record is remarkable for producing winning terriers in competition and her good looks and inclination to enjoy work have been passed along.


'Tag of Windermere' ex 'Riverview Little Stitches'

'Salishan Wizard' - Paternal Great Grandson
'Windermere Titan' - Maternal Grandson
'Fox Run Risk' - Daughter
'Foxwarren Floyd' - Maternal Grandfather
'Foxport Mission' - Paternal Great Great Granddaughter

This dog's name probably appears in more American pedigrees than nearly any other dog.
He has had an enormous impact on the gene pool of many American working terriers.
Flare has won in the ring and earned his
JRTCA Bronze Medallion
for working red fox, raccoon and groundhog.
Many of his descendants carry his traits and desire to work below ground.


'Salishan Wizard' - Great Great Great Grandson
'Windermere Titan' - Great Great Grandson
'Fox Run Risk' - Great Grandaughter
'Riverview Flare' - Grandson

Floyd was a British bred dog imported to the United States where he had an outstanding winning career in the ring and at work.
He made his mark both in conformation and hunting ability.
Floyd had a wonderful disposition which he passed on in his blood.

Floyd's Ribbon & Trophy Collection


'Salishan Wizard' - Great Great Great Grandson
'Greenwillow's Loki' - Great Great Grandaughter

Tailor is an American import from Britain and has earned his
JRTCA Bronze Medallion.
He has great presence and wonderful structure.
His finest traits are his small chest, flexibility and good coat which he passes through to his descendants.
He is a top winning dog and continues in his senior years to win against younger dogs at JRTCA National Trials and many competitions.


'Foxport Mission' - Maternal Great Great Grandaughter

Among the American-bred terriers this one deserves an individual mention.
Bred by Paul Ross, whelped on Oct. 2, 1984.
Topped the 1985 JRTCA Nationals from a field of 400.
The 1987 JRTBA National Champion.
Placed at the highly-regarded Great Yorkshire and Lowther Working Terrier Show.
BoB at the 1st. ( 1990 ) KC Champion Show.
BoB at the 1991 Crofts Centenary Show..
More importantly, his progeny have gone on to make their mark both in
the United States and the United Kingdom.
In the eight National Specialties, held by the JRTBA to date, his record is impressive.
BoB at his first himself, all but two of those who have won this award since have been descended from Badger - of those two, one was his full brother, the other a grand-daughter of his litter sister.


'Foxport Mission' - Paternal Great Great Grand-daughter
'Riverview Flare' - Sire

Pinocchio did well in the show ring for a number of years.
He is known as an excellent hunting dog, earning his
Bronze Medallion for hunting red fox, raccoon, and groundhog.
He is a handsome agile animal, an excellent competitor and a good hunter.
A very versatile dog.


'Billbridge Weed' ex 'Foxnorton Tuppence'

'Salishan Guinevere' - Daughter
'Sayner's Warwick' - Brother


'Turk' ex 'Fan'

'Salishan Guinevere' - Daughter

1995 Supreme Champion
Jack Russell Terrier Club of Great Britain
Swymbridge, U.K.


'Sayner's Weed' ex 'Sayner's Megan'

1999 Supreme Champion
25th Anniversary Commemorative Show
The Jack Russell Terrier Club of Great Britain
Swymbridge, U.K.


'Meynall Turban' ex 'Blencathra Morgan'

'Blencathra Badger' - Maternal Grandmother
'Foxport Mission' - Maternal Great Great Grandaughter ( separate litter )


'Riverview Flare' - Sire
'Windermere Rally' - Paternal Grand-daughter

Derby has earned the JRTCA Bronze Medallion for Special Merit in the field for working red fox, groundhog and opossum.
He has won at the National Jack Russell Trial back to back and has sired winners of National Trials.
He is a handsome dog with a ready-for-work / happy-go-lucky attitude.
Derby has made a mark on the breed and is found in many pedigrees.


'Riverview Flare' - Sire

Bomber has earned his JRTCA Bronze Medallion for locating and working red fox, groundhog and opossum.
He has placed Best of Reserve over twenty times and has thrice been Reserve Best at the JRTCA National Trial.
Bomber has a fine temperment as both companion and a hunting dog.
He moves without effort and has a nice, small chest.


'Riverview Flare' - Sire

Garth has earned his JRTCA Bronze Medallion.
As well, he's won at the JRTCA National Trial and many other trials.
He is a keen working dog with alot pf personality and is very affectionate.

JACK RUSSELL & his Terriers

'Foxnorton Trek' - Second From Left

Darrell Lawrence

On July 20th, 2000 our site was selected by Links2Go as one of the most relevant sites related to a particular topic.
Of the million sites analyzed by Links2Go, 1 in 1000 is selected for the Key Resource Award, our site ranked 35th overall.
We our proud to accept the Key Resource Award for popularity,
and thank those who have so graciously bestowed this award upon us.
We also wish to thank all those who have visited our site and those who have left encouraging remarks in the guestbook.
Thank You All.

Key Resource
Jack Russell Terriers

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