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Rebirthing is a safe and gentle healing technique which has been used for thousands of years. Ancient philosophers have always claimed that breathing affects our mental, emotional and physical well-being. Through the repetition of connected breaths, a powerful flow of energy begins to circulate throughout the body facilitating growth and healing. It reduces stress, increases vitality, rejuvenates and initiates a deep sense of well-being and knowingness. Rebirthing is a process aimed at expanding awareness of one's inner self and in so doing results in transformation on all levels (emotional, mental, physical and spiritual).

The name 'Rebirthing' brings up images of being reborn or reliving one's birth trauma. The birth experience is highly significant in the development of an individual because it is this initial contact with the external world that establishes life-long behavioral patterns. The unconscious conclusions formulated by the birth experience program the ways in which we experience the world and also the ways in which our parents and others relate to us. However, the rebirthing process is more than an integration and releasing of birth and life trauma; it is ultimately a union with one's True Self, the Divine.


Rebirthing or conscious breathing was rediscovered and developed by Leonard Orr in California during the early 1970's. Orr experienced beneficial, therapeutic effects by breathing rhythmically while lying in a bath. Initially he thought the results were due to the water, but later realized the breathing was the key. Orr along with Sondra Ray, formerly a nurse practitioner, sex therapist and family sociologist, further refined the breathing technique without the aid of water.

Dr. Stanislav Grof, the Esalen-based psychiatrist best known for his research into the LSD experience and birth trauma, also developed a significant branch of rebirthing.


Breathing is the most important of the body functions and yet is often one of the most neglected. The body eliminates 70% of its toxins through the breath and under normal circumstances it is only possible for a person to live for a few minutes without breathing. Breathing is much more than the inhalation of air. It is the main way in which we assimilate life energy (in Sanskrit it is called Prana; in Chinese, Chi). In ordinary breathing we absorb a normal amount of prana; with conscious, full breathing we are able to absorb a greater quantity of life energy which we can store in the brain and nerve centres to be available for future use.

'The Pneumatists, inspired by Aristotle's notion, concluded that air was Pneuma or Spirit - the vital force - and that it was the source of all health and disease. Pantanjali, an Indian sage who first codified the rules of Yoga c.200 AD wrote that 'The control of thoughts and emotions is linked to breath control'....that is, by the mastery of pranayama, or breath meditation, self-mastery can be achieved.

The importance of breath is also recognized in astrology. Paul Callinan, a contemporary exponent, writes: 'In astrology, it is not the moment of birth which is important but the moment we take our first breath. The air, like everything in the universe, is affected by the flow of Chi (life energy) and from moment to moment acts as a mirror of its quality. The first breath stamps the energy field, or aura of the body with its unique quality. It sets as it were, the celestial energy bandwidths we can tune into, the transmissions we can receive. It determines many facts of one's being.'

The Buddhist meditation of Vipassana similarly requires one to learn to watch the breath and by so doing discipline the mind and transmute the emotions.

Similar to a hologram, each cell in the human body is a microcosm of the entire body. Thus, each organ, which is an organized collection of cells, reflects the tension of the entire body. In time, as tension accumulated in the respiratory system, the breath mechanism begins to close down. Most people only use a small proportion of their lung capacity. The rebirthing process reawakens the breathing mechanism, enabling the body to metabolize and function effectively. It increases the life energy assimilated by the 
From an article by Michael Adamedes and Alia Paulusz

It has been estimated that our unconscious mind represents approximately 95% of our total range of consciousness. The majority of our thoughts and memories are outside our normal awareness and it is these very thoughts which mostly influence our lives, often in a debilitating manner. As soon as an unconscious thought becomes conscious, modification and change can take place.

A basic belief in Rebirthing is that a person's innate nature is perfection...healthy, energetic and joyous. By consciously relaxing during the rebirthing process, a person is more able to let go of the blocks to reconnecting with the innate perfect self. It is when the reconnection with self takes place that a profound healing is experienced. Once a 
person relaxes and stops 'avoiding', then whatever is in the unconscious will spontaneously come to the surface, enabling it to be integrated and released.


The rebirthing breathing can best be described as circular and connected. By connected I mean there should be no pauses between the inhalations and exhalations. The breathing develops into a circular rhythm, with the active emphasis on the inhalation (taking in of new life), and the feeling of relaxing or allowing gravity to take care of the exhalation. The breathing is done only through the nose or the mouth, and not through the two together. The act of breathing in and out of only one passageway at a time builds up the energy of the breath. After breathing in this manner for a short period of time, a connection is made between the conscious and unconscious mind...a powerful energy begins to flow throughout the body. This energy is the Divine energy that created you in the first place and is only healing. As the breathing continues, a rebirthee may experience a variety of body symptoms such as tingling, hypertension, drowsiness, cold or tetany (which is a tightening of muscles). Tetany, if it occurs, is most commonly felt in the hands and jaw and is an indication of where energy is being blocked due to fear. By relaxing around and breathing through (surrendering to and accepting your feelings without judgment) any symptoms, this stage can be passed through very quickly with a minimum of discomfort resulting in a state of deep relaxation and euphoria. It is during this stage of relaxation that people usually have profound insights about themselves.

The beauty of rebirthing is its ability to produce quick results by bypassing the analytical mind. It takes most people far beyond more verbal and cognitive therapies, resulting in powerful emotional and spiritual releases that address one's entire is a spiritual rite of passage.

Beverly Crook received her certification as a Rebirther and Seminar Leader in l984.