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 Animal Communicator

Beverly's experience is that most pet caregivers who genuinely care about animals are eager to open to new dimensions of understanding their pet and on her part bridging the communication gap between a pet and it's caregiver gives great satisfaction. Whether it be behavioral problems, a difficulty in understanding what a pet wants or needs or physical discomfort, she has the ability to tune in and find out what is troubling them. 


Although her work is not a substitute for veterinary assistance, her ability to interpret and relay feelings and symptoms has often proven to be helpful to veterinary and health professionals. Ways to promote healing and balance energies by helping animals through upsets, stress, injuries and death, when necessary, comes through in a reading.
Beverly has also assisted many pet caregivers through the grieving process of losing a pet from illness, having to put it down or fatal injury.

Readings done over the phone...

upon request, a tape may be made and sent to your mailing address.

Some Practical Advice for Animal Caregivers:

Animals often become sick or start exhibiting behavioral problems in response to their caregiver's emotional and physical state. They have highly developed emotional bodies and like children have a powerful ability to absorb negative emotions around humans.  Quite simply, animals provide a buffering service...they absorb and transmute human projections and imbalances.

When we become aware of the transference - counter - transference process that pets experience, we can learn much about ourselves. Animals can be our wake-up call...encouraging us to take a look at what is going on in our own lives. They are healers and teachers.

"In earlier times, people recognized and respected animals as kin, as relations of the same Creation sharing the same earth. Through such kinship, animals were our totems, familiars, and healers long before they were ever domesticated. I agree with the conclusion of some historians that the Biblical 'fall' of humankind began with the domestication of animals and their domination, exploitation, and treatment as objects and mere commodities.  Yet the implicit instructions in the Book of Genesis are for people 'to dress and to keep' all of God's Creation in reverential respect. The word 'domination' in Genesis is often interpreted as divine sanction for all forms of animal abuse. But the original meaning of the work 'domination' comes from the Hebrew verb 'yorade', which means to 'come down to', to 'have communication with and compassion for'."

Michael W. Fox

Veterinarian and Vice President of The Humane Society of 
the United States