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Stuff About Me

Hey, it's 10:50pm, Saturday the 12th, February. Yesterday was the first time I was exposed to the best movie in the world; Gia. Now Labyrinth, Dirty Dancing, and Footloose are great, but nothing can compare to the greatness that is Gia. The magic in it and of it are indescribable. I must have it in for things having to do with the eighties... Labyrinth, Dirty Dancing, and Footloose were made in the eighties, while Gia is based in the eighties. I decided to write this now, despite my early appointment with John, my hairdresser. Only Gia has made me appreciate the hair stylings of the eighties. But what about Angelina Jolie isn't appealing? Anyways, it would have been the most perfect movie in the world, if the music for the sex scene was different. My best friend, Mike, pointed out that it made him feel like he was watching a sleazy porno with sleazy music. I didn't notice the first time I watched it... or the second... or the third... but the fourth, now then I really paid attention and... the trumpets! They're the cause of all these porno feelings. Hey, and don't go thinking I'm some horny teenager by watching the scene that many times, it was just that the first time was the first time I watched it; the second time one of my friends I was watching it with wanted to watch it, taking the suggestion of keeping the music off; then the third time was just to compare the effectiveness of the sound. The fourth time was me watching the whole movie again. Haha! My mom asked me if she would like 'Gia' and I was like 'uhh... well I have only seen a bit of it...' Right, like I'm gonna tell my mom that I'm over at Mike's, watching a movie about a model in the eighties who did drugs and had graphic lesbian sex, and then add that I wanted desperately to buy the movie! She already thinks Angelina Jolie is a 'loser' just cause she read the intro to her Jane interview where it tells of her speaking of knives and having sex with women... I think she's great and I'm going to work with her when I'm a bit older. Oh I will. Anyways, you've probably formulated tonnes of thousands of conclusions about me from what I've just written, especially if you know what I'm talking about... But, whatever, I just think it's a cool movie, with a refreshingly different relationship in it (couples in movies these days are sooo incredibly boring!), and Angelina Jolie is great. Just great. Anyways... About me... Let's see... My favorite actresses right now are the three I have webpages on! Neat-o. Anyways, those would be Angelina Jolie, McKenzie Westmore, and Claire Danes. I'm addicted to the soap opera, Passions. It's so incredibly bad but at the same time it's so great. I love it so much. Anyways, back to my ramblings about Gia... I strongly recommend it for those who like watching great movies, who wouldn't be disgusted by the cutest same-sex couple. Sexy! Now I'm adding on and it's the 13th. I was listening to music today (on my way to John's of course) and I was listening to songs on my "Faerytales" cd - with all my favorite lovey songs on it. (haha - like Portishead's 'All Mine') and I thought about the movie and my heart just sank. It was weird cause I hadn't been really that emotional while watching the movie, but just connecting all the facts and thinking about how it was real and it was so sad... I got so emotional. Anyways, I'm looking at my fancy collage (which slightly disappoints me for it's imperfections) and just looking at all her different faces! She's so extraordinary! But I better get going on my homework so I can go to sleep and go to my land in my mind and relax. It's so much nicer here -- and there. Ack! I'm listening to 'Mother' by Tori Amos and I'm thinking about how I'm moving out of my house in less than 2 years and it's so sad... Tori reminds me of Mike a lot and just thinking about how I'm going to be in another country while he's stuck in this small town that smells like cow shit waiting to graduate. Mike and I are both going to be famous when we grow up. I, the actor.. He, the model. But, off I go, to study for the exam I am to take as the rest of the world in my school gets a damn rose and a *sincere* kiss from who they want. And since my dream of meeting Angelina in downtown Vancouver didn't work out for me today, it looks like I'll have to sit through another loveless day, dreaming of another situation to meet my heroes. Soon, Angelina. Soon.