phenomenal capacity

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The stories are listed in alphabetical order, with series placed under the title of the series. Series stories are in descending order (ie: read the top one first, and so on). The central point of view, and/or slash pairing, along with the rating, number of parts, and genre/category are also noted.

My personal categories are: Angst1, Angst Lite2, Drama3, General4, Humour5, and Parody6.

The West Wing

Annie Wright, Cog
ofc | G | 9/? | General
The adventures of Annie C. Wright, Junior Speechwriter.
Another Man's Cathedral
Leo | PG | 1/1 | Drama
I'm still reaching for that flag, not knowing if I can take it. Companion to "Two Cathedrals."
Cold Siren
Toby/Sam | G | 1/1 | Angst
The unattainable expression of beauty.
Day One
Ensemble | PG | 4/4 | Drama
Day one of a new world. A reality fic based on the events of September 11, 2001. No character deaths.
Jed | G | 1/1 | Drama
"You're only Catholic because your mother is, and you only go to this school because I'm the headmaster." A monologue connected to "Two Cathedrals."
Fade to White
Lisa | PG13 | 1/1 | Drama
He was waiting for her. They had a lunch date. An examination of Sam and Lisa.
Written before "100 000 Airplanes."
The Fight
Sam/Josh | G | 1/1 | Humour
An undisclosed incident sparks a running cute-ass joke, the concussing of Donna, and general mayhem. Also known as "West Wing Side Story."
Going Over
Sam | G | 1/1 | Angst
"The edge does not wait." Monologue, mid "On the Day Before."
It Happens
Josh/Sam | G | 1/1 | Drama
And then there was the time Josh accidentally slept with his best friend.
Kite--Foolish Man
Sam/Jed | G | 1/1 | Angst
"That's my office over there and the President works in that round room over there and nobody else really matters." A different sort of slash. Monologue.
Laugh & Explode
Josh/Sam | G | 1/1 | Drama/Humour
There he was, circumspecting left right and centre over failed relationships, when it was all sitting right next to him.
Lesser Things
Jed/Abbey | G | 1/1 | Angst Lite
His favourite memory is ten years ago.
Ensemble | PG | 1/1 | Drama
"One night in Manchester, the senior staff fell apart." Post "Manchester Part I."
Marvellous Thing
CJ/ofc | PG | 1/1 | Drama
The first time is this dark-haired girl standing in her doorway.
Missionary Positions
Mary Marsh/Ann Stark | R | 1/1 | Angst
Where Ann's hand rests on her arm, a fire burns, and she is not consumed (Exo 3:2). Written for the Wing Swing challenge, winner of the "I Can't Believe I'm Buying This" award. R for sex and possible spiritually offensive content.
Nomenclature: (nO ' m&n klA ' ch&r) n. [< L nomen, a name + calare, to call] the system of names used in a science, etc. or for the parts of a device. A CJ/Toby series.
  • Versatile & Tempestuous
    CJ | PG | 1/1 | Drama/Humour
    "Turns out there are no right answers." CJ, Josh, Toby and Cosmo.
  • She Calls Him Anyway
    CJ | PG | 1/1 | Drama
    His bad luck and her good fortune.
  • Deeper Satisfactions
    CJ | PG | 1/1 | Drama/Humour
    The cleaning lady will take care of those later. CJ, Toby, Sam and F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Non Dolet, Erus
Sam | G | 1/1 | Angst
What did Sam say? Post "The Fall's Gonna Kill You."
Ode to the West Wing
Ensemble | G | 1/1 | Humour/Parody
The result of a series of spelling mistakes, this is one fan's take on the famous poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Oh, the Humanity
Toby | G | 1/1 | Humour/Parody
A short farce in which Toby is mistaken for an alien, CJ kicks some ass, Leo shows up out of nowhere to save the day, and the President gets the last word. Last three words, actually.
The Poets Trilogy: Three characters not normally considered poets who I think are literarily amazing nonetheless.
  • A Poet Sleeping There
    Josh | G | 1/1 | Drama
    The night was young in another hemisphere and the moon shone nowhere.
  • Like A Poet's Hands
    CJ | PG | 1/1 | Drama
    "This is all we can do, you know. Push this squeaky damn cart and buy Vietnamese long-grain rice."
  • As For Poets
    Leo | PG | 1/1 | Drama
Put Me In, Coach
Josh | PG | 1/1 | Angst Lite
Inner monologue. Mid "Manchester I."
Second Wind
Leo | PG | 1/1 | Angst
He saved me, and that was the end of it.
Sam | PG | 1/1 | Drama
"Either a woman has the right to choose or she doesn't. What's not simple about that?"
Sons & Daughters
Sam | PG | 1/1 | Angst Lite
If you love your father. Post "War Crimes."
Sort of a Protest Story
Josh/Sam | PG | 6/6 | Drama
"I'm tired of walking around here with my hand on my gun. I'm tired of watching them wind you up to see if you'll run." Six-part songfic.
The Truth About Her Life
CJ | PG13 | 1/1 | Drama
"A feminist is any woman who tells the truth about her life." An explanation of CJ and Qumar.
Ensemble | G | 8/8 | Angst
An overview and seven second person examinations of victimisation.
  • Victims
    "We must recognize the stigma attached to victims in our society, the isolation, ostracism, and humiliation they often feel, regardless of their innocence."
  • Vitals
    Victim 1: Jed. We may be victims, but chances are we're not alone.
  • Evidence
    Victim 2: Abbey. We are not victims if there is no proof.
  • Criminal
    Victim 3: Leo. We are victims of our own crimes.
  • Dissemble
    Victim 4: Toby. We've built a world of victims.
  • Parachutes
    Victim 5: CJ. We refuse to act like victims.
  • Chimes
    Victim 6: Josh. We have the strength to call ourselves victims.
  • Messenger
    Victim 7: Sam. We can only expect to be victims.
We Are POTUS, Resistance is Mandatory
Sam'n'Josh | G | 1/1 | Humour
Exposition-less scene from Josh Lyman's office.

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1 Angst being defined as: a feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or insecurity.
2 Angst Lite being the same as angst, but not so much. Another term I like to use for this is "dramatic introspection."
3 Drama being defined as: a state, situation, or series of events involving interesting or intense conflict of forces.
4 General being, you know, general. A bit of everything, I guess, if I can't be inscrutable and vague.
5 Humour being defined by as: something that is or is designed to be comical or amusing. So I mean it to be funny, even if it isn't. Ha ha.
6 Parody being defined as: a) a literary or musical work in which the style of an author or work is closely imitated for comic effect or in ridicule or b) a feeble or ridiculous imitation. You decide.
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Definitions from the Merriam-Webster website.