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Stop Abuse And Show Love

<BGSOUND SRC="/bc2/WhiteKnight2001/iwillalwaysloveyou.mid">
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Copyright 2000-2010 ©

Song: I Will Always Love You


 Welcome to my site. I hope you Enjoy your visit and find something to take with you in your heart and share with friends.   Love WhiteKnight_2001


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We live in a world that has Pain, Child Abuse, Spouse Abuse, Sex Abuse, Violence, Hatred, Racism, Drug Abuse of all kinds, and Senseless Murders. We need to take a stand and Stop Abuse and Show Love.

There is no such word as failure in my mind. Each time you try something and get better, no matter how small it may be, then you have succeeded. Success is not dependant on what others think or feel, but what we think and feel within ourselves. No matter what anyone ever tells you whether it be you can’t, you won’t, you never will, don’t believe them because you can, you will no matter where you are or where you have been or what your past has been.

I built this website, to give Support, Hope, Inspiration, Love, Encouragement, and Comfort to those who's lives have been affected by the Abuse of Alcoholism, Drugs, Sexual, Spouse, Divorce, Racism or a Lost child. The simple fact is we can be part of the problem or part of the solution. I believe we all can make a difference, but we must all play our part. Lets help those who are lost or need support in whatever way we can. Forever I will stand tall and firm and do my part.


"To All My Friends, May You Hold Your Head Up High And You Will Never Walk Alone."

"For What Is A Man, What Has He Got, If Not Himself, Then He Has Not."

"To The World You may Be One, But to One You May Be The World."


smallcandle                     US_flag_half_mast tcribbon

September 11, 2001
In Memory Of The Victims And Missing Love Ones In The Terrorist Attack On The U.S.


"Take This Candle And Let It Be The Light On The Path For Those Who Seek To Find Their Way
To Peace, Love And Healing."


"Love Is The Greatest Gift"

"Love Is Unconditional"

"Love Is Not Bought, Love Is Given"

"Love Has No Boundaries, Except The Boundaries We Put On Love"

"Love Yourself Honestly And Unconditionally First, Then Only Can You Love Others Honestly And Unconditionally"

"It Is Not The Love We Receive, It Is The Love We Give"

"Love Freely And Unconditionally And Love Will Find Its Way Back Into Your Heart Freely And Unconditionally"


God’s Promise

      God hath not promised skies always blue,
      Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through;
      God hath not promised sun without rain,
      day without sorrow, peace without pain.

      But God hath promised strength for the day,
      rest for the labor, light for the way,
      grace for the trials, help from above,
      unfailing sympathy, undying love.

-- Author Unknown --


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"Make A Child Smile"

"Peace Dove"

"Share This Peace Dove With Everyone You Meet, Let It Soar High Above".
"May It Bring You Peace And Love"

"Stop Child Abuse For Our Children Today Are Our Leaders Tomorrow"

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Ring Owner: Sharon Kay, Ladybee, Angel DeNoir

Site: Heart Creators ~ Show Love And Stop Abuse

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ncfrfs_casey CaseyFamilyPrograms

National Center For Resources For Family Support: A one-stop source of information, technical assistance, written materials and referrals to both resource families and child welfare professionals who work with them.

Casey Family Programs provides an array of services for children and youth, with foster care as its core. Casey services include adoption, guardianship, kinship care (being cared for by extended family), and family reunification (reuniting children with birth families). Casey is also committed to helping youth in foster care make a successful transition to adulthood.
Garden Of Missing Children Society

"Garden Of Missing Children Society"
Canadian and U.S. and World Site


"Help Find The Children" This page is a list of links provided in an effort to help find the missing children world wide."

"Child Welfare Canada" has a multitude of special references that would be of great interest to all. To mention a few: Children's Aid Societies, Provincial Ministers, Residential Homes, Social Workers Association, Adoption Resources, Publications / Journals, Missing Children, Youth Help Lines, Statistics/Research, Native Child Welfare, Child Abuse and much more.
"Country artists haved joined voices in a chorus of STARS BANDING TOGETHER TO PROTECT OUR CHILDREN" Help us put an end to child abuse and child exploitation on the internet and in each of our communities as we are all a part of the community of the world.

CAF Banner

Childfind 1-800-387-7962 Childfind Missing Child Information

This site Supports ChildFind of Canada and Supports the work of the National Center of Missing & Exploited Children

"In Memory Of All Children"



"By Working Togeather We Are making A Difference"
"Law Enforcements Sites"
Canada, U.S., World Police Agencies

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WebTech University - Free HTML and PSP classes.
Help & Support Resources
gr_diam Al-anon and Ala-teen Head Office World Wide: Provides Information and Help for Adults and Children who are Effected by a Love One or Friends Drinking.
gr_diam A.A. World Office: Provides Information for Those who Seek Help with a Alcohol Problem.
gr_diamAlcohol: Problems and Solutions: Provides useful Information on Alcohol and Drinking Issues such as Drinking and Driving, Health, Under-age Drinking, Binge Drinking, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and many others. Includes an Alcohol Knowledge Quiz.
gr_diam Child Sexual Abuse: Signs Of Sexual Abuse, Symptoms, Silent Problems, Feelings, Protecting Children, Listening To Children.
gr_diamChild Lures Prevention Program: An Award Winning Site offers Invaluable Information For Parents, Educators, Professionals and Most Importantly Children.
gr_diam Washington State Fetal Alcohol and Drug Unit: Fetal Alcohol And Drug Unit Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences University of Washington School of Medicine.
gr_diam Domestic Violence,Family Violence,Child Abuse: A Site Dedicated To Stopping Violence.
gr_diam Mens Web-Men's Voices: Surviving and Living Male Survivors Of Child Sex Abuse.
gr_diamMissing Kids: National Center For Missing And Exploited Children.
gr_diamNational Domestic Violence Hot-Line: Provides Victims of Domestic Violence, Their families and Friends with Crisis Intervention, Referrals, Information and Support in many languages.
gr_diam Victim-Assistance Online: Information, Research and Networking Resource For Victims Assistance Specialist, Professionals In Related Discipline And All Interested In The Field Of Victimology.



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