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Match Reports of yesteryear |

The New Message Board of Team Lush | First XV 2000 |

--The Members of Team Lush 'Before they were famous'--- |

The Brand new serial drama of Team Lush Caravan Park |

A Virtual tour of the Home of Team Lush |

Sign Our NEW Guestbook

Yo, I know somethin you don't know And I got somethin to tell ya You won't believe how many people, straight down at the floor 'fore said that I was a failure Is now the same ledges that's be needin dough And I'm yellin I can't help ya "But Nelly can we get tickets to the next show?" Hell no, (whatchu care?) you for real?

David Goulter

Geoffrey Bollom

Simon Johnson

Edward Hale

Sam Wicks

Ben Wagstaff

Philip Kolimar

Joshua Wilson

Kieran Lahey

Steve McMahon

Douglas McFarlane

Doug Angus

Matthew Beadle

Chris Hall

Luke Peterson

Simon Ng

Matthew Bonar

Nick Hastings

Welcome to TEAM LUSH 2001 -

Feel free to sign the New Guestbook and tell us what you think of "The New Lush".

Be sure to check out the new profiles for Doug Angus, Ed Hale and Sam Wicks & also the Team Lush originals James Kenyon, Simon Johnson and Matt Beadle

***TEAM LUSH'S NEWEST SEGMENT : "BEFORE THEY WERE FAMOUS"(Access available at top of screen next to Nelly)***

Dont forget to check out Team Lush Caravan Park for episode 2 which was released on Sunday 26th August...

Ed Hale


Geoff Bollom


Dave Goulter


Steve McMahon

Second Row

Samuel Wicks

Second Row

Ben Wagstaff

Second Row

Josh Wilson

Flanker (open)

Doug MacFarlane

Flanker (blind)

Kieran Lahey

No. 8

Doug Angus


Matthew Beadle


Chris Hall

Inside Centre

Luke Peterson

Outside Centre

Matthew Bonar


Simon Ng


Nick Hastings


Matt Macoustra & Andrew Payne


"Which one of you bastards called this bastard a bastard?" One of many tensions-filled moments in the 'Bodyline Series' of the 1930s.

( Team Lush does not condone the SRC nor its actions. )

"The clock is ticking, and as of now we are keeping score."

/*Live clock credit Website Abstraction ( Credit must stay intact for use */ function show(){ var Digital=new Date() var hours=Digital.getHours() var minutes=Digital.getMinutes() var seconds=Digital.getSeconds() var dn="AM" if (hours>12){ dn="PM" hours=hours-12 } if (hours==0) hours=12 if (minutes<=9) minutes="0"+minutes if (seconds<=9) seconds="0"+seconds document.Tick.Clock.value=hours+":"+minutes+":" +seconds+" "+dn setTimeout("show()",1000) } show() //-->