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Lucky Pet of the Week! From Apr. 27th till May 4th 2002


Name: Sport

  • Born: June 11th 1994
  • Gender: Female
  • Breed: Flat Coated Retriever mix
  • Owner: Tresa
  • Favorite Activities: agility, running through the woods, retrieving, pointing (birds)
  • Web Site: Sport's Page Sport was born in Chesepeake, Virginia on June 11, 1994. I got her when she was five months old from a "back yard breeder". She was very timid with strangers from being kenneled 24/7. The only human contact was with people she knew well. I remember the first time I tried to walk her. She wouldn't even leave the backyard: I had to carry her for a while then set her down and she would drag me all the way home. She would cower and scream when approached by a freindly stranger! After a week of being carried like that, she started going willingly with alot of encouragement. Finnally, she figured out that nothing bad was going to happen on walks and began to enjoy them. Actually, she started dragging me for a walk. In the summer of 1998, while I was away, she jumped the fence and was hit by a car. Her pelvis was tilted around and fractured and her spine was boken close to her tail. The vet was worried that she could never walk again because she had no feeling in her feet were talking about euthenasia! But miraculously she could sort of walk with a towel supporting her hips. She finnally recovered enough to come home. She had to be supervised 24 hours a day and needed frequent trips outside with a towel to support her. Months later she was able to walk a little without the towel but still hadn't moved her tail. The vet did a pinch test on her and she didn't react. They said that some times their tail would sort of die and have to be amputated. The hair started falling out and I was getting worried. Then she started chewing on her tail until it bled, luckily that was a sign that the feeling was coming back. She had her tail bandaged and medicated and finally the hair grew back and she can now move her tail but only to one side. By late fall she was able to go on walks. We would take her to a quiet beach for walks. Since she had been confined to a bed all summer, she was really out of shape and a little chuby! She couldn't run very much and tired quickly. She would bunny hop because of the pain and was snappy towards other dogs when she would have normaly wanted to play. I allways have found it frustrating that all that every book said about shy dogs was don't get one. Well, untill I found the book Help For Your Shy Dog by Deborah Wood. This is a great book that I highly recommend to anyone who has a shy dog or teaches obedience classes. I found out that my dog needed lots of socialization. I began taking her to the park for walks and to Petsmart. First she would shake violently the entire time but eventually would calm down after a few visits. Then I took her to a basic obedience class at Merrimac Dog Training Club. The whole first class she just tried to escape. But after 3 classes she clamed down and began to ignore the distractions and do well. Except for one thing; there was a yellow lab named Baxter and she hated him! She allways growled and snarled when he tried to make friends. Since then she has taken many agility and obedience classes. I have since joined the club and plan on showing her this spring in obedience and agility.

    Recently, Sport took 2nd place at an agility trial in Novice A, perfect score in 53 seconds.
