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9.4- Synthesizing Organic Compounds

-Synthesizing organic compounds help to show a new type of reaction
-Organic compounds are synthesized chemically and also extracted from living systems
-Polymerization is the formation of very large molecules (polymers) from many small molecular units (monomers)
-Polymers are substances whose molecules are made up of many small molecules linked together in long chains
-Polymers have molar masses up to millions of grams per mole
-Addition polymerization is the polymerizing of alkane molecules
-Polyethylene, for example, is made by polymerizing ethene molecules
-Addition polymers are formed when monomer units join together in a process that rearranges electrons in double or triple bonds in the monomer
-In addition polymerization, the polymer is the only product formed
-Condensation polymerization involves the formation of a small molecule from the functional group of two different monomer molecules
-Monomer molecules bond at sites where atoms are removed from their functional groups
-In order to form a condensation reaction, monomer molecules must have at least two functional groups, therefore they are bifunctional
-Polyester is a polymer formed from the reaction of a bifunctional acid monomer with a bifunctional alcohol monomer
-The result ester has a free hydroxyl group at one end and a free carboxyl at the other end
-Because of this, further reactions could occur at either ends of the ester
-A polyamide is a large molecule formed when a bifunctional acid monomer reacts with a bifunctional amine monomer
-proteins are a basic structural material in plants and animals
-There are over 10 billion different proteins in Earth’s living organisms, and are constructed from only about 20 amino acids
-Amino acids are structurally bifunctional, containing both an amine group (-NH2) and a carboxyl group (-COOH)
- Condensation polymerization occurs for sugar molecules in which a water is molecule is formed and the monomers join together to form a larger molecule
-The carbon cycle is a cycle in which atoms of carbon move throughout the biosphere of our planet