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K a s u m i 's W a t e r f a l l
Kasumi's Waterfall

Konnichi wa!Welcome to my shrine to Kasumi! Like the new look? This is like my 4th layout now ::sighs:: you can never be happy... Well anyway sit back and enjoy! Oh yeah don't forget to sign my guestbook ^-^

UPDATE:12-17-02- It seems somewhat silly to even say this but for those who do not know this site has been officially closed. I appoligize ;-; I will still keep up the remaining things but do not look forward towards any more updates. I have moved on to much bigger and better things. Check out my other webbie dedicated to my artwork ::Sato Amai::. Thanks for all of your support in the past ^_^







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© 1999-2000, all rights reserved to Candy.... Tahdah! ^-^