Since its beginning in 1998, Dragon Moon has been a unique cyberpet adoptions agency. Although many mistook it for just another 'Pern' site, we strove to make it different. We offered many different types of creatures to adopt, all hand-drawn by either me or Kaya. For each creature we had a unique history and interesting information, most of which applied directly to the world of Kellaria. According to the feedback we recieved, our creatures were well-loved. In total, we handed out over 100 clutches/litters combined!

Sometime in 1999 we created the Citadel, an archive of works submitted by "Citizens"-or, the people who frequented our site. From the Citadel came the RPG in 2000. It took a while to get it up and running smoothly, but once it was we formed a nice RPing group of 20-30 members, even expanding to encorporate different Citadels.

Of course, we had a few ideas that weren't embraced by the cyberpet community, but we didn't let that bog us down.

After numerous requests and offers to take over Dragon Moon from frequent adopters, we decided that it'd just be best to close most aspects of it. Our reasons for this were simple: Kaya and I have our own style that we have never seen duplicated in a cyberpet adoption agency. If we were to hand Dragon Moon over to someone else, we'd be afraid of the uniqueness we tried so hard to protect being lost forever.

There are a few remaining bits and pieces to our legacy, however. The RPG still runs, and Kaya and I still have our own personal sites. If you'd like to visit these, please see the links below.

Lastly, I'd like to name those who have given us their undying support, helping us with new project ideas and advising us what would be good to implement. Thanks to: Ekyla, Cali, TJ, Chantal, and many of the people at the CAOF. Without your help and support, we wouldn't have been able to make Dragon Moon the legacy it is today.

~Kivessa, Wingleader of Dragon Moon

Note from Kaya: The pictures used for the background etc were taken in a photo booth in May 2001. My hair was growing back from shaving my head to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society. Due to lack of pictures of the two of us, Kivessa used these. So if you're wondering why I look so.... bad.... :) I'll post a picture on Fenny's Fantabulous Freak Fest for you (sometime) that I like.

Dragon Moon closed officially at 6:00PM, March 17th, 2002, exactly 3 years after its creation.

Fenny's Fantabulous Freak Fest

Ibora - an adoption site based on one of Dragon Moon's adoptions.