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The Realm of Bladarion

Site Map
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About Us
Bladarion Policies
Bladarion Etiquette
Code of Chivalry
Code of Virtues
Bladar City - Capital
Bladarion Royal Palace
Lands within Bladarion
Honored Residents
The Bladarion Founders Crest. is your gateway to all of the Grand Realm of Bladarion

Bladarion Founders
A group of 6 friends from around the globe, who through friendship & common interests formed the Realm.
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arrowBladarion Policies
arrowBladarion National Anthem
arrowBladarion National Flag
arrowBladarion Floral Emblem
arrowBladarion History

Bladarion Holy Order
This is not only a place for worship, but tis also a place to seek solace for ones soul. In this place are held christenings, weddings, and alas funerals as well. More More

arrowSt. Robert's Cathedral
arrowBladarion's Abby

Bladarion's Royal Lions Corp.
A highly trained elite unit dedicated to serving the Realm & it's Citizens based on the Courtesy & Chivalric ideals of the Medieval Era  
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arrowBladarion's Garrison
arrowBladarion's Academy
arrowBladarion's Armory

Bladarion Chancellory
Reknown across the Realms for their ability in diplomatic, ambassadory, ceremonial & hosting functions, the Chancellory warmly welcomes and assists Bladarion's members & guests. 
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arrowBladarion's Chancellory
arrowBladarion's Banquet Hall
arrowBladarion's Grand Ballroom
arrowBladarion's Library
arrowBladarion's Museum

Bladarion Guest Book
Please sign the Bladarion Guest Book for Residency Applications, Event Notifications, and all relevant information. Sign Sign

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arrowView Bladarion's Guest Book

New and Notable

Welcome to the Realm of Bladarion's new Website. Please forgive our dust as we are currently rennovating our nation. Please enjoy thy stay! (09 Dec 2003)

Season Greetings from the People of Bladarion, May you all have a safe & merry Holiday Period (07 Dec 2003)

Bladarion Fest - Down Under 2003 is currently being held in Melbourne, Australia (01 Dec 2003)

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