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August 1 ,

The WCW hotline is reporting that Randy Savage's contract with WCW runs out at the end of this year, and depending on how the WWF reacts, WCW will offer Savage a contract extension. I'll go out on a limb and say that the WWF will likely not show much interest in Savage so look for him to stay put in WCW for the forseeable future.

Hollywood Hogan re-injured his knee on NITRO after Sid executed a reverse atomic drop incorrectly. However, the injury does not appear to be overly serious and Hogan should miss minimal in ring action. He is projected to work a big angle with Bret Hart upon Hart's eventual return late this summer, or in early fall.

The WCW hotline also reports that there are weak rumors that WCW is interested in acquiring Rob Van Dam's services from ECW. Despite the fact that RVD is likely not under any stable contract with ECW, he is extremely loyal and will likely stay put if they ever do approach him, which they have not done so yet. So I guess for the time being, Van Dam will remain in ECW.

July 30 ,

Here's something to show you what type of man Hollywood "Hulk" Hogan is. Although the quarter hour he was involved in last week was destroyed in the ratings battle against RAW, Hogan commented that the reason his segment did bad was because "the damage was already done", obviously pinning the blame on the wrestlers previousl before him. A real team player that Hogan is. He also said that because of it, The Four Horsemen angle should be given little airtime.

Insane Clown Posse signed a ten week deal at Nitro this past Monday.

Raven's role with Vampiro is said to be more of a spiritual leader and is looking for now to be Vampiro's spokesperson. Once Raven returns to wrestling, which is still a month or two away , he will form a tag team with Vampiro.As reported before, Master P is officially gone from WCW. Konnan and Rey Mysterio Jr. have been pulled out of the No Limit Soldiers gimmick. There is an idea to pull Brad Armstrong out of the Soldiers and group him with Mysterio Jr, Konnan and Eddie Guerrero.

On a related note, Konnan sent a fax to WCW Officials last week after he missed his scheduled appearance at the WCW Saturday night tapings. His apparent reasoning behind the absence was because of a concussion that he suffered the previous night on Nitro. Konnan stated in the fax, that because of the injury he would need a few weeks of to recover. WCW Officials apparently laughed at the fax and are rumored to have passed it around the locker room for other's amusement. Konnan was backstage at Nitro this past Monday but did not appear on camera.

Rey Mysterio Jr. missed a few House shows this past weekend due to a family situation. Mysterio was replaced by Kaz Hayashi, who teamed with Chavo Guerrero Jr. against Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko.

Ernest "The Cat" Miller was legitimately very upset with Buff Bagwell for the promo that Bagwell did on him two weeks ago on Nitro. Miller, particularly felt that by Bagwell going on TV in black face make-up, made him look like a racist.