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WiCkEd Clownz Clan

The Stuff

_=+JOiN NOW!!!+=_
_=+WaNnA ALLy??+=_
_=+TeStInG ReSuLtS+=_

Hi, and welcome to the StarCraft/BroodWar Clan called the WiCkEd Clownz.We are an active clan that can Bring death opon our enemys.Lead Backup to are allies.The Clan Symbol is „†„ . If you are a member of The WiCkEd Clownz Clan you should be very proud. Because, getting in the clan isn't the easiest thing in the world.

Any Clan that critisizes us in any way will be tortured in a a very violent way. And will be posted on our enemy page As fools. Therefore you really don't want to be an enemy to the WiCkEd Clownz.

Any clan that is an ally, will be backed up in Wars or chat sessions. And will be put on our Ally page with really good comments.

On this page you have 8 links yo choose from:

//News:Daily News on things

//Roster:The Roster of the WiCkEd Clownz Clan

//Ranks:What Rank each member is

//Join NOW:You have a chance to be a member

//Wanna Ally:Do you and your Clan wanna Ally?

//Enemys:Our Page with our Dreadful Enemys

//Allies:Our Page with all our Clan Allys

//Testing Results:Posted our the people that made the Clan and who didn't

Since i just started the page the 8 links will explain what will be on them in the near future.....

P.S members will have the chance to puchase Clan T-Shirts BOOOYAAA....
