Wes Borland Pics

Hey, I made more than one page of pics now, 'cause I kept getting complaints about the loading time. Thanks for the input! As you will see, not all of these are solo pics of Wes. Reason being because in the group pics here, I think he looks really good. So if you have a problem with that, go make your own page. Okay, I didn't realize this was going to piss me off, but if you want to take any of these pics ASK me and GIVE ME CREDIT. Some of these pics were taken with my own $500 digital camera, and I'd like to get a little bit of credit for the damned pictures. And if you think you can just take them, you can't...because they're crappy looking because I can't run the camera, so I'll know it's mine.
If you see any doubles, please Let Me Know.

Pics that have an **** are ones I think are the best. (Why must I be forced to choose?)(Thumbnails loaded too slowly.)

Thanks to SpyBreaker for letting me use some of your pics. Oh, yeah, check out the first pic. Definitely the HOTTEST pic of him I have ever seen! Thanks THIS MUCH to Shelbe for sendin' it to me.


STILL can't get enough Wes? Okay, then come to the Second Page of Pics!!!