








photo album


Random Pictures from High School
(in chronological order, earliest first)

Rana, Kelly, Crystal and Me at Chincoteague-summer 1998

Massey, me, and Rana sitting on my stairs-Homecoming 1998

Rana, Me, Ana, someone..., Clarke, Eileen, Sarah, and other people who I can't identify at lunch at school. Outside of course, because the cafeterias were being demolished.-June 1999

Joyce, Sarah, Ana, Cathy, Katie, Clarke and Johannes in the parking lot on the last day of school~June 1999

Ana floating on the pool with lots of stuff~July(?) 1999

Me and Crystal floating on the pool. Hmm, the Island of something... don't remember~July(?) 1999

Clarke attacking Sarah in his basement. Labrynth is playing in the background, which I still haven't seen. Grr....

My hideously disgusting senior picture that looks nothing at all like me, thank you very much.

Eileen, Ana and I at homecoming, wearing our sneakers and Docs. Very good very good.

Me and Karen at a swim meet, Jan. 2000. Same day as below, I think.

Clarke, me and Eileen in the photo booth at Generous George's. Umm... Jan, 2000 I think. Possibly December. Post-swim-meet. I love this pic.

© 2002

est. July 1998
version 2 Oct. 1999
version 3 April 2002