








photo album


Dope Fiend Blues
by Allen Ginsberg

Yes I'm a dope fiend, I don't believe your laws
Hey Mr. Policeman I'm a dope fiend, take that joint out of your jaws
I'm a dopefiend and I'm getting out of jail because

I'm a dopefiend sitting in my bedroom high
I didn't even light up no muggles, don't know why
I'm just naturally a dopefiend under empty sky

Yes I'm a dopefiend I don't sniff cocaine
I hear the walls ringing my nose is still in pain
It's snowing all round NY City gimme a 2 penny plain

Oho I'm a dopefiend shoulda seen me usta mainline
Yah seen me shoulda shoot that white heroine
useta get the chills but never burnt down my mind

Hey hey Oh Lord Dope Fiend I dropped LSD
I seen Manhattan's towers stick up in Eternity
Ten years ago you shoulda took the elevator up with me, Holy!

Ha Ha I'm a dopefiend niggerlovin Commie Fagot Queen
I'm a beatnick hippie longhair but a square I never been
But if you Mother see my picture in the paper she say I look clean

Hey I'm a dopefiend I'm a dopefiend I breathe sweet clean air
I don't shoot speed in my arm never more I'm a dopefiend everywhere
I'm a dopefiend in the policeman's eyes Yeah They wouldn't dare

to bust me for dopefiend I don't carry any shit around
I'm just a dopefiend by nature I like to sit on the ground
all naked with my clothes on make a blue mantra sound

I'm a dopefiend I'm a dopefiend gonna bust this nation's mind
I'm gonna put LSD in your prayers & laughing gas in the wind
Aether & Peyote gonna drive Mt Rainier blind--

I'm a dopefiend I roll my soul in friendly grass
Dopefiend Dopefiend I carry Nothing but Dharma up my ass
Yeaas all you dopefiends hear me! out there in the middle class!

Hey rich dopefiend when you gonna change the laws?
Hey poor dopefiend join the Dharma party because
They gonna legalise existence, everybody ride a big white horse.

~December 31, 1974

© 2002
est. July 1998
version 2 Oct. 1999
version 3 April 2002