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Here's my TINY Archive of fan art, i lost some of the pics i drew earlier :P I'll find 'em...if you have something to submit, please E-mail it to me! All artwork is greatly appriciated! There is the Name of the Artwork, and the artist has a link to their webpage or Email. Most of them by me were requested Artwork that i really liked. Enjoy!
Picture Icon Title of Pciture Artist's Name
Timin Eating a Midnight Snack. I Love this one, i generally use this Image for lots of things. RPTwinkie (Me, o corse.)
Princess Leia As a Meerkat...This is an interesting one. My friend asked me to draw it for her. I had fun with it! If you look closely you can see the Danishes on the hair-i mean, THEY LOOK COOL! Too bad the arm covered it up. RPTwinkie
Timin Skywalker. I Had to make this one for a Character in the forum. Its not too much detailed, but i love the lightsaber. The secret to good clip art is to find a good pre-image to work with. He was holding a kite string...hehe RPTwinkie
Han Solo as a Meerkat...Another Friend asked for this, since i made the Leia and Luke ones. It only makes Sense. RPTwinkie
Timon of Athens-Yet again a request. I think it came out nicely though, dont you!? RPTwinkie
Timin: Retro Spect! This is some old Pencil-artwork, here. I also have a Timon from the 60's somewhere, i cant find it-but this one's cute!! RPTwinkie
Timin's...MOM! Weird, no? I Drew this one Along time ago...I thought it would be an interesting concept to draw the Mother of Timin and Timon. My Uncle did the scans, and He thinks my meerkats look like Dogs. So he named this one "Gay Dog" Since he thought Timin was Cross-adressing. RPTwinkie
The Kat Pack. Nicely done by Meg! Its very good and inventive. Meg
Mamela's Sister. I love this picture! Its got Attitude. Kiara SP
Mau! Very nice, I think its cute. Kiara SP
Zira!!! This is a VERY Good picture of Zira! ..Hehe.. Zira