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Anti-Bush Society

Bushes are EVIL! What better way to Express your feelings about them than joining The Anti-Bush Society?!? Er, its for a good cause! They're Evil, i tells ya! Always Biting me, and scratching me, and TRIPPING ME When i try to run and clear 'em! I mean, how can they be so cruel?! They also tell their friends about me, so THEY Can be mean...grr...Evil, Evil things! I dun see why they have to try and KILL You. I didnt do a thing, accept.. i drew a pair of hedge clippers on them once, thats all!! They needed a good 'trimmin! They also can rip your clothes, and they house evil things like.. SQUIRRELS!! Those guys can go psycho on you and bite you. Really. Seriously.
Okay.. Uh.. Dont exit the webpage, GET BACK HERE! You can't leave me here alone. I have no family.

*And remember. I mean BUSHES. Of corse, I'm Pro-Shrub. I really hate it though when bushes disguise themselves as shrubs. It creates problems.