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Welcome to the Image Archive! Here are some pictures i picked up here and there (Thanks a bunch, T1!)Some are Animated, some arnt. If ya have some ya'd like to add, Feel free to E-mail me Otherwise, dont wory, just enjoy!

Picture Icon Title of Pciture
Cub Kovu
Nuka Leaping After Simba
Nuka Sitting Alone, Suprized
Nuka Lighting a twig in Scar's Lair
Nuka Laughing
Scar Prowling
Master of Evil
"Ah...My Friends..."
Be Prepared!
Vitani Leaping
"Where's your pretty Daughter, Nala?"
Vitani Rolling her eyes at Nuka
Vitani Smirking at Nuka
Cub Vitani
Cub Vitani
Protective Mom
"When i think of what that brute did, i get a little Tense..."
Zira Scowling
"You thought if you could get to the daughter that Simba would welcome you with open arms?! WHAT AN IDEA! *Gasp*!"
Kovu Gif