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  "The Mermaids' Story"
                             by Elvenwolf

Some fish were jealous and some men were too
Jealous of each other, now what to do?
Fish could never out of the water be
And men couldn't live in the deep dark sea.

That's how it is and that's how it started
Seems fish and men were forever parted
Some men sailed on the sea in ship and boat
Many were safe, but a few wouldn't float
Few men swam ashore, but many couldn't
Of the ones who sank, and knew they shouldn't,
These were granted to  grow a fish's tail
And now as mermaids swim, though never sail


"The Faery Horse"

by Alexandra

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there lived a little girl who, with horses, liked to play.

She went into her yard to see if she could find a pony or a horse of a very special kind.

You see, all the horses she had known, of plastic or of stone, were very very nice but now outgrown.

As she wandered through the grass, looking here and there for a friend full of stories she could share,

She thought of all the prayers little children send in hopes of finding such a special, special friend,

and wondered, as she walked through the thickening dusk, if she would ever find this horsey one to trust.

She wound her way around the flowers and sang all the songs she learned in her life about powers

of imagination and how they could build castles and landscapes and all that she willed.

Then she saw a winkling twinkling, of course, it was the magik mist that formed her faery horse.

Pony Name
Pony NameIf you want your own faery horse, click on the birth certificate.