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the newest TRHS cast in baltimore is starting up, we are looking for young (under twenty) players wqho are respectful free of drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, etc. and ready to rocky. yeah, i know this is about as camp as you can get, but we are a serious group of young actors, actresses, singers and muscians who are interested in having a great time and supplying the baltimore/towson area with a RHPS. in some time, if we find that we are good enough, we may turn into TRHS, without the movie playing behind us and only our skill to lean on. these are our goals and if you like them, if you are prepared to come on up to the lab, then be our guests. so far the casts age range is from 13 to 16, but we welcome somewhat older and of course we love corrupting the youngins. so drop me a word at if you would like to participate, have anything to say or whatever you wish! don't dream it, be it!

THE CAST SO FAR (in alphabetical order)