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Avon 1st Ed.: High Scores

Guys, You probably think you are pretty smart. Atleast up to par with those goons you call friends. Girls, you know enough to impress the average white hat you pick up at the Tombs, but is that really that impressive?

Looking for something to tax your knowledge to the upmost? Take the Avon Edition One IQ Test(c) and find out just how much mental might you are packing in that mush pit you call a brain.


1. List Three Noble Gases.

2. Define Convex and Concave.

3.In E=mc2, the 'c' is what value?

4. What element is common to all organic life?

5. List the Three types of Rock.

6. As Pressure increases, what happens to Temperature (assuming volume remains constant) ?

7. What 4 elements compose DNA?

8. What is the speed of gravity?

9. When classifying life forms, Kingdom is the most general and Species is the most specific. What are all the intermediate classifications?

10. What three components make up an atom?

1. Write the Pythagorean Theorem.

2. Describe CPTCTC, and where it applies.

3. Describe Cotangent in terms of Sine and Cosine.

4. The derivative of x3* 2x2 is what?

5. If Reggie Miller shoots 90% from the foul line, what percent of the time will he make 3 consecutive free throws?

6. What fraction is most commonly used as a substitute for pi?

7. What is the value of 'i'?

8. Under a typical Logic system, 'p & q' is true what percent of the time?

Social Studies:
1. What is the capital of Belgium?

2. The term NATO is short for what?

3. What is the capital of Canada?

4. Who is the prime minister of England?

5. What were the two sides in WWII and which major powers were associated with each?

1. What was Natalie Merchant's band prior to her solo career?

2. Name 3 Celtics from the 1986 NBA championship team? (extra credit will be awarded for each player named beyond 3]

3. What does M:TG stand for?

4. Where can one find Bousch, Wesley Crusher, and a smurf within 3 rooms of each other?

5. What does the phrase 'Cogito ergo sum' mean? [extra credit will be awarded for naming who made it famous.]

6. What is the historical order of Michelangelo, Rapael, and Leonardo? [extra credit will be awarded if you can name the Renaissance artist who rounded out the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.]

7. How many lions made up Voltron, and what colors were they?

8. What were the three dangers Paul Tillich identified that faced humanity?

9. What does the word 'nadir' mean?

10. In 'The Republic', how many classes of people did Plato identify and what was the role of each class?

11. List 5 plays written by Shakespeare.

12. Who wrote The Prince and what was the author's major contention?

13. List chronologically the Modernist, Renaissance, and Baroque period of art; and name a major artist from each period.

14. Describe Ockham's Razor.

15. List chronologically Marx, Kant, and Hegel.

I'll post you back your score, which you can compare against the key below. Good luck!

Scoring Key:
Number Correct
35 or + You are too smart for your current friends. Join MENSA.
30-35 Impressive. You are as smart as you keep telling everyone.
24-30 Pretty sharp. I wouldn't be embarrassed to hang out with you in public, and if you are really cute, I'd still consider dating you.
19-25 Not bad. Brush up on your Descartes and try again later.
13-19 Hmm ... not good. You probably have trouble reading this.
5-10 You obviously are functionally illiterate, I'm suprised you can work a computer and find this page.
0-5 You are a waste of oxygen.