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The 40+Silly`s Homepage

You have now entered...THE SILLY ZONE !!!

Up Dated October 10/99

Site built by mrjym

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An introduction to 40+Silly

40+Silly was created August 28, 1998 by a group of Sillies that believed that a place to let their silliness show and grow was what others needed and wanted too. This is a channel where humour is the norm, but sharing and support for each other is there as well. Please join us in this friendly, fun place and let your silliness show!!!

A Few SILLY Rulz

Be yourself, treat others the way you would like to be treated, and....BE AS SILLY AS YOU WISH ! When we know you a bit, you get one of those @ next to your name (we like how it looks with them all lined up in the channel list :). If you are unsure of something, please ask any of the silly leaders - they are more than happy to help you. What one might not know - another will.

SILLY Get Togethers

SILLY News New News May 21st99 Chat from the Web

Enter a nickname and join our channel


Enter your nickname:

This section is dedicated to any news members would like to post ie: Pics,Parties,Birthdays,Anniversarys,etc. Send your info you would like to share to Glenn and he will post it here for you

Members Pic`s, Bios and Homepages


Msclipper Ikenberry fawney DonnaL Santa

Ti`anna Belinda`` Onry Tesah Silly Silly
Fancee Lala MiniMe Betty Salmo Eep
Penquin guillif Didit Trbl2 Oh-Boy Paulj
Wrench DeeDee Tenacgal Winds Wolfie Hopalong
YumYum Terrorizz Ravin1 Memnet Odesey Nebula
Deekudos Ju|ia Iamliz silly silly Silly

Your Comments and Suggestions

Visits as of May 1/99