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Hello, my name is Sarah. I like to dance. I want to help you learn how to dance. This page offers you step by step pictorial instructions on how to perform alllll the latest dance crazes! (Okay, maybe not the LATEST... but definately the COOLEST.)  

I agree that content is important, but sometimes these things must be sacrificed in order to "make the grade", because I AM getting graded on this.

By the way... I would just like to mention that I feel that this site really is A+ material. There no doubt about that, friends. A+ MATERIAL.


My friends have graciously agreed to help me help you... by demonstrating these dances for you! Just click on the name of the dance you want to learn from the menu and go to it! I will be adding other dances as soon as I can think of more... I may also be changing some. These ones are just a few of my personal faves.

HEY! LOOK WHAT I MADE!!! Godzilla rules.
(This is the mandatory animation. A+ work!)

  Yep. Even old people like to dance.
Isn't that sweet?
You go girl!        
Whoa! Look at them go! These people are having fun. This is because dancing is fun!!      
He's really good!