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The St. Jude Webring


Unfortunately due to responsibilities such as family and work and "Life", I am sometimes not able to get here for quite some time.  There's been a lot on my plate as of late and I hope that I'm able to be here more regularly now.  I also hadn't been able to get my email for some time so a number of them were deleted by MSN.

Some have suggested that I set things up so that messages are posted to the page automatically, as soon as they are written.  After having given this some thought, I have decided not to.  Because of the nature of this website, I believe the "personal touch" is an integral part of the responsibility that I have toward it and its visitors.  



Certain that I was going to lose the two most important people in my life- the loves of my life, I went to St. Jude.  I had heard of, and prayed to, St. Jude in the past. I'm sorry, very sorry, to say that when those prayers were answered I wrote them off. But I came to a point where nothing else mattered in the world and there would be no doubt whose help it was. I also felt that a simple Thank You wouldn't be enough, even though it's all that's asked. I wanted to build this site and this Webring, to bring together those helped by the saint, and to provide a means for those needing help to find him.    

On this site you will find:

  • The Home Page- Where you started. You may go back there and explore the links.

  • A History of St. Jude's role in the Church.

  • Prayers- A page of various prayers and novenas.

  • The  "Chapel"- Prayer requests and testimonies, and where you may post your own . 

  • Archives- Chapel entries from past months and years.
    This is a very large page and takes a while to load

  • Links- To other St. Jude websites. 

I have organized the Chapel and Archives a bit more.  A few days into each month I will take the past month's entries and put them in the Archives, which is now sorted by year and month.  So don't worry if you don't see an entry that you made last week, last month, or last year.  You will find it in the Archives.  As far as I know, I haven't lost anyone  yet.

I sometimes receive  mail from people who are discouraged when they don't see an instant answer to their prayer- when it's not answered within the nine days of a novena, for example.  I don't have many answers, I'm afraid, but I do know that the prayers and novenas are not meant to be magic words- say them for nine days and POOF!  Keep at it. Remember, many things take time and go unseen.  A baby spends nine months hidden away, getting ready to meet the world.    My own dearest request took a full year before I saw a real positive sign- but I kept at it.   I can't imagine how it would have turned out if I had given up. I don't particularly want to.   Try not to be discouraged.  And, above all, don't get angry.

Whatever brought you here- a need, a prayer answered, or a "happy accident"- welcome.    If you have even a single page, dedicated to St. Jude, I invite you to join the ring. I would also like to extend an invitation to friends of St. Theresa  to add their sites, as she is also known for helping people in difficult times.  

This ring and this site are labors of my never-ending love for my two precious angels. I try to be quite thorough when I update the site.  Still, you may find an error here or there.  Please let me know if you do.  After all, we're all works in progress, no? Thank you for your ongoing support, encouragement, and prayers.  Peace.