October 23, 2007

Recap by Sassy

Comments by Sassy in italics.

Cyber Sunday is this Sunday. I’m sure we will hear all about the matches involving ECW roster members in this hour-long show.

ECW is being broadcast from Kansas City, MO, on the Sci-Fi Channel.

Ring announcers: Joey Styles and Tazz

Ring announcer: Tony Chimel

The Miz along with Extreme Expose enters the arena. The Miz is here to tell us why we are supposed to vote for him on Cyber Sunday to go against CM Punk for the title belt. Miz insults Big Daddy V’s looks. Miz insults John Morrison by calling him a fruitcake. Miz then tells everyone they will vote for him because he is the chick magnet. I have not found one female wrestling fan that thinks Miz is worth looking at.  Period. Miz then proceeds to pester Kelly Kelly regarding her date with Balls Mahoney. He threatens to fire her and then threatens to make her life miserable instead. Saved by the Morrison, John Morrison, who comes to the ring to interrupt Miz. Morrison then proceeds to tell everyone why he or she should vote for Morrison to face Punk. Morrison then decides to hit on Kelly.  Kelly does what a lot of us would like to do – she slapped the smile off Morrison’s face. She should have used her fist versus a flat hand. Balls Mahoney makes his way to the ring to go after Morrison but is double-teamed by Morrison and Miz. Mahoney goes out onto the floor courtesy of Morrison and Miz and then Miz goes out to the floor courtesy of Morrison. As Morrison waltzes around the ring, CM Punk comes in and lays him out and then Morrison meets the floor courtesy of Punk. The audience chants “CM Punk”! as Morrison glares at Punk.

Are we going to have any actual matches this evening?

We then see that next up is Kane versus Big Daddy V.

We see a promo for Cyber Sunday and then we go to commercial break.

Back from commercial break, we see a promo for the new Undertaker video.

Morrison and Miz meet backstage and Miz wants to about the cheap shot Morrison took by sending Miz to the floor. Morrison says it was to make up for the cheap shot Miz took at Morrison last week.  It becomes a scream fest with no one making any sense and Armando Estrada shows up to break it up. Estrada tells the two of them better learn to get along because tonight we are going to have a tag team match.  It will be Balls Mahoney and the ECW Champion CM Punk versus John Morrison and The Miz. Estrada wanders off and the two men go back to arguing with each other.

Big Daddy V, weighing 487 lbs., from Harlem, NY

accompanied to the ring by Matt Striker


The Big Red Machine Kane, weighing 323 lbs.

Audience favorite: Kane

My favorite: Kane

Winner: We don’t know because Mark Henry, from Smackdown, enters the ring and the referee rings the bell.  I don’t even want to guess how much over a thousand pounds is in that ring now. And then The Great Khali shows up. I guess WWE wants us to know how strong their ring really is.

We have close to a thousand pounds in this ring with the original two opponents. Kane isn’t often outweighed. I can’t imagine that Kane will be able to pin V, but Kane does a good job in the ring for someone his size. He also has the ability to climb and dive into or outside of the ring. Kane manages to clear the ring but he’s holding his left arm close to his body.  Let’s hope Kane didn’t get hurt dealing with all of these guys in the ring.

Commercial break in the middle of the match! You would think ECW would be smart enough to cut the chitchat in order to have the entire match aired. I’m not fond of finding out what happened in the match while we were away after we come back from commercial break.

Back from commercial break.

We are reminded about the upcoming tag team match and then we see the WWE Diva Search promo.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, we hear about the match or whatever that was with Kane, V, Khali and Henry. We then see the Smackdown Rebound involving The Undertaker and Batista and their battle for the Championship title and the match against Batista and Undertaker at Cyber Sunday. Choice for referee in the match is JBL, Mick Foley and Steve Austin. We then get a run down of the rest of the Cyber Sunday matches and the choices for each match, including CM Punk versus the fans choice of John Morrison, The Miz or Big Daddy V.

Again, we only have an hour here…where’s the wrestling action?

Punk and Mahoney are backstage. Mahoney is grateful that Punk came out to the ring earlier when he was in trouble. Punk says tonight they should have no problem because Morrison and Miz won’t be able to get along and Punk says that Mahoney and him will get along just long. Punk asks how the date with Kelly went the other night. Mahoney just laughs and Punk says “that is disturbing” and Mahoney says “that’s what she said too” and we go to

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break.

Elijah Burke, weighing 231 lbs., from Jacksonville, FL


Nunzio, weighing 170 lbs.

Audience favorite: I’m not sure

My favorite: I’m not sure but I think Burke will win the match.

Winner: Elijah Burke with a pin and a three count.

This is a grudge match from last week when Burke left Nunzio in the ring with Jesse and Festus. Nunzio needs to find a opponent closer to his size and weight. He has spent all of his matches in ECW getting the daylights beat out of him. Nunzio did give Burke a run for his money in this match.

The Great Khali is backstage with his translator. It sounds like he may be out to get Kane, but I’m not sure since no one was speaking English.

We again see the promo for the Undertaker versus Batista match and that the fans get to decide the guest referee.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, Matt Striker is backstage with Big Daddy V.  V says that at the Monster’s Mash Battle Royal, he will be the dominant force.

John Morrison, weighing 220 lbs., from Los Angeles, CA


The Miz, weighing 231 lbs., from Cleveland, OH


Balls Mahoney, weighing 310 lbs., from Nutley, NJ


CM Punk, weighing 225 lbs., from Chicago, IL

Current ECW Champion

Audience favorites: Mahoney & Punk

My favorites: Mahoney & Punk

Winners: Punk and Mahoney after Punk uses the GTS on Morrison and gets the three count.

Mahoney just screams extreme – I’m not talking about his choice of ring attire -- and Punk is right behind him.  Morrison does a great job of wrestling in the ring, however, Miz is a little out of his league in this match. He does outweigh Punk, but he doesn’t have the same in ring abilities as Punk. Punk and Morrison are fairly even in size but I think Punk can take Morrison out in the ring.  Morrison has some highflying moves but he can’t compare to Punk.  I do know that I would prefer to see Morrison in a match against Punk.  My second choice would be Miz and my absolute last choice would be V. Miz manages to clothesline Morrison, Mahoney takes Miz out of the ring and my favorites win the match. Smart move Miz.  Mahoney and Punk do a great job as a tag team.  I wonder why they haven’t been paired before?

We see a promo for the ECW Monster Mash Battle Royal, which will be Kane, The Great Khali, Mark Henry and Big Daddy V. 



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