WWE Friday Night Smackdown

WWE Friday Night Smackdown

October 19, 2007

Recap by Sassy

Comments by Sassy in italics.

Breaking News this afternoon:

Larry Pfohl, ring name Lex Luger, suffered either a heart attack or a stroke in San Francisco, CA. Luger was in SF to attend the WrestleFanFest this weekend. No other information is available at this time.

Kristal Marshall has been released by WWE.  No further information is available at this time.

Keep an eye on this site’s daily news reports – you will know when we know further developments.

Smackdown is being broadcast from the United Kingdom.

Ring announcers:  Michael Cole and John Bradshaw Layfield (JBL)

Ring announcer: Tony Chimel

We see a video recap of last week’s match between Finlay and Rey Mysterio with Batista at the announcer’s table. The ref goes down, both men are disqualified, however, The Undertaker shows up and indicates that he will be seeking the title from Batista. Hey, Batista is good, but The Undertaker is better.

It will be The Undertaker versus Batista at Cyber Sunday. The choice for the referee in that match is JBL, Mick Foley or Steve Austin.

JBL will be interviewing Batista tonight on Smackdown.

The Great Khali, over 7’0”, weighing 420 lbs., from India

accompanied to the ring by his translator


Kane, weighing 323 lbs.

Audience favorite: Kane

My favorite: I’m not sure, but Kane was on ECW this week – he could already be tired after battling Big Daddy V

Winner: Kane when Khali gets disqualified after choking Kane outside the ring.

Khali is like having Andre the Giant in the ring.  There is no one as large as he is or as forceful as he is based on size and weight. Kane is one of my favorite performers, but how much can Kane take from someone that much larger than him. Our referee, Charles Robinson, certainly isn’t large enough to put a stop to either man in this match. Kane went for the choke slam…I was hoping he’d get the job done. After the match, Khali sends Kane into the steel steps, Khali takes apart the announcer’s table but Kane takes Khali out with the bell. That dropped Khali in his tracks.

As soon as Kane is back in the ring, Big Daddy V and Matt Striker enter the arena.  RUN, KANE, RUN! Kane doesn’t run and he is trapped between Kane and V. I’m sorry, but as V takes apart Kane, we have to wonder how “brave” V is when he goes for Kane and not Khali.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, we see a Batista promo regarding his new book, Batista Unleashed.

Matt Striker is backstage with V telling everyone that V is Striker’s ticket to stardom and that V will be on Smackdown on a regular basis.  Does this mean that ECW will be disbanded as per the current rumors?

Chuck Palumbo, weighing 280 lbs.

Accompanied to the ring by Michelle McCool and his motorcycle


The Masterpiece Chris Masters, weighing 267 lbs., from Los Angeles, CA

Audience favorite: Chuck Palumbo

My favorite Chuck Palumbo and Chuck’s motorcycle

Winner: Chris Masters with a roll up and a three count after interference by Victoria outside the ring

I do like Chuck Palumbo and don’t understand why WWE insists on these constant one on one feuds. It seems as though these two have been wrestling each other since Chuck came back to WWE. If I recall correctly, Chuck works well as a tag team partner.  Perhaps WWE should be finding someone to pair him up with besides someone who sits behind him on his motorcycle.  I haven’t figured out how Victoria worked her way into this but she should be working in the ring as a wrestler.  That’s what she does best.

We go backstage to Matt Hardy who is joined by MVP.  MVP isn’t looking forward to his match against Matt at Cyber Sunday.  MVP tells Matt how much he has come to be his partner and his friend. MVP tells Matt that he will have his back tonight in his match against Finlay but Matt says he doesn’t need the help. Not much comedy in this routine but I do hope that MVP and Matt retain the tag team titles and that they get back to their hysterical jousting soon.

We go to commercial break.

Back from commercial break, we see the Raw Rebound, which consists of Umaga beating up some poor guy three times in a row.

Matt Hardy, weighing 246 lbs., from Cameron, NC

One half of the WWE Tag Team Champions


Finlay, weighing 233 lbs., from Belfast, Northern Ireland

Audience favorite: Matt Hardy

My favorite: I like them both – Hardy for his speed and high flying ability and Finlay for his no nonsense brawling ability.

Winner: Matt Hardy with a twist of fate, a pin and a three count

MVP does make a save by showing up to take Finlay’s weapon away. I can’t tell if Matt is happy that MVP showed up or not.

We see the Major Brothers heading toward the ring before we go to

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, we see a recap of the match last week between one of the Major Brothers and Drew McIntyre with Dave Taylor and the loss suffered by the Major Brothers due to interference outside the ring by Taylor

Drew McIntyre, 246 lbs., from Scotland

accompanied to the ring by Dave Taylor


Brian Major, weighing 222 lbs.

Accompanied to the ring by his brother, Brett Major

Audience favorite: I’m not sure

My favorite: I’m not sure

Winner: Drew McIntyre with a pin and a three count after outside interference again by Taylor.

The Major Brothers may be a great tag team but they haven’t been working as a tag team. I like the work Drew McIntyre has been doing and I have always liked Dave Taylor.

We see a video recap of the ongoing feud between Batista and Undertaker before it is time for JBL to interview Batista and we go to

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, JBL is in the ring talking about JBL when Batista interrupts him with his entrance to the arena and the ring. The interview goes downhill from there with JBL calling Batista a coward as Batista is leaving the ring and with Batista spearing JBL in the middle of the ring to prove that he is not a coward. Part of the interview was a push for Batista’s new book.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, JBL is back at the announcer’s table yelling about Batista taking a pot shot at JBL in the ring. JBL then pushes everyone to vote for JBL as the referee at the Batista versus Undertaker match.

We see the Diva Search finalists, Surf & Rescue.

Deuce & Domino, at a combined weight of 455 lbs.

accompanied to the ring by Cherry and a nice convertible


Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore, at a combined weight 407 lbs.

Audience favorites: Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore

My favorites: Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore

Winners: Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore after Jimmy Wang Yang does a back flip off the top rope, pins Deuce and gets the three count.

I have not been overly impressed with Deuce and Domino as a tag team. I don’t think they have had a match that allowed them to showcase any particular talent either of them may have. Shannon Moore has always been a favorite of mine and Yang is quickly becoming a favorite. Shannon has some nice tattoos.

We are backstage with Vicky Guerrero and Jamie Noble. Noble says that he isn’t feeling all right because he was forced into a match with The Great Khali last week and that he understands it must have been her hormones or something. She corrects last week’s error in match making by setting Jamie Noble up with a match with The Undertaker this week.  Jamie Noble just can’t leave well enough alone. Although I have to admit Noble is one of the funniest character on Smackdown.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, we see a video recap of last week’s match between Finlay and Rey Mysterio where both men are disqualified and Undertaker shows up to lay claim to the match at Cyber Sunday with Batista for the title belt. We saw this video at the first of the show.

The Undertaker, weighing 305 lbs., from Death Valley


Jamie Noble, weighing 202 lbs., from Hanover, WV

Audience favorite:  The Undertaker

My favorite: I like them both

Winner:  The Undertaker, obviously, after a choke slam, a tombstone pile driver, a pin and a three count.

This isn’t really a match between these two. Of course, Noble is doing what he has been doing best – working hard to make himself an enemy to the audience and putting over the bigger guys. I have a lot of respect for Noble in the ring.  He can wrestle when he gets the opportunity to do so and he did give this match the old college try even though the match didn’t last long enough to do much of anything.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, we see a promo for the Rey Mysterio DVD: Size Doesn’t Matter.  The 3-disc set will be available next Tuesday.

Then we get another push for Cyber Sunday courtesy of Michael Cole and JBL.

MVP, weighing 248 lbs., from Miami, FL

One half of the WWE Tag Team Champions and the United States Champion


Rey Mysterio, weighing 175 lbs., from San Diego, CA

Commercial break before Mysterio is introduced – and we see the Save Us 222 video again.

Back from commercial break, we see a Big Daddy V and Kane promo for ECW live next week.

Audience favorite: Rey Mysterio

My favorite: MVP

Winner: We don’t know because Finlay comes out to the ring and goes after MVP because MVP interfered in Finlay’s match with Matt Hardy tonight. After Finlay works over MVP, he goes after Mysterio and Mysterio manages to send Finlay out onto the floor impressing the UK fans.

MVP may be my Smackdown favorite.  I don’t know if it is his in ring ability or his showmanship that makes me think he is one of their best stars. From his entrance theme to his flashy outfits to his facial expressions during the match, the guy just has that something that makes you take notice.  Rey Mysterio, on the other hand, is one of the most popular wrestlers on Smackdown and is a special favorite of the younger fans. I think half of the audience had on Mysterio masks and Mysterio spends a little longer getting to the ring because he stops to slap hands and notice the fans. Mysterio got a standing ovation tonight.

Commercial break in the middle of what was turning into a decent match.





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