WWE Friday Night Smackdown

WWE Friday Night Smackdown

October 12, 2007

Recap by Sassy

Comments by Sassy in italics.

This is the first Smackdown since No Mercy.

Batista beat The Great Khali at the Punjabi Prison Match held at No Mercy and retains the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. We see a recap of the match as the opener of tonight’s Smackdown.

Friday Night Smackdown is being broadcast from Detroit, MI.

Ringside announcer: Michael Cole and John Bradshaw Layfield.

Ring announcer: Justin Roberts.

Chuck Palumbo, weighing 280 lbs., from San Diego, CA

accompanied to the ring by Michelle McCool and his motorcycle


Chris Masters, weighing 227 lbs., from Los Angeles, CA

Audience favorite: Chuck Palumbo

My favorite: Chuck’s motorcycle

Winner: Chuck Palumbo with a roll up and a three count.

I like Palumbo with his powerful ring presence. Masters may be a good wrestler but he spends more time cheating than wrestling. The master lock gimmick has gotten old.

After the match, Masters attacks Palumbo on his motorcycle and manages to lock in the master lock. What did I just say about old gimmicks?

The Undertaker and Kane will face the Tag Team Champions, Matt Hardy and MVP tonight..

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, we get a Big Daddy V of ECW promo.

Jesse & Festus, at a combined weight of 501 lbs.


Jay Adams and Conrad Carnes, at a combined weight of 480 lbs.

Audience favorites: I’m not sure

My favorites: I’m not sure

Winners: Jesse & Festus after Jesse pins the competition and gets the three count.

Jesse reminds us that Festus is calm and cool until the bell rings and he changes into a wrestling machine before the match begins. Festus is a big boy.  I’m not too sure about Jesse’s character. Jesse does appear to be able to handle wrestling maneuvers. A few times during the match, we see Deuce, Domino and Cherry backstage watching the match on a monitor. The audience did seem to get into the tag team combo of Jesse and Festus during the course of the match.

We are backstage with Deuce, Domino and Cherry when Jamie Noble comes in to talk to them. Noble tells them he was at the bar last night and heard Jimmy Wang Yang making some very suggestive comments about Cherry. Noble says he can’t even repeat what Jimmy said, then he whispers in one of the guy’s ears and Deuce and Domino go tearing off to beat up Jimmy. They take Noble along with them.

We again see that Kane & Undertaker will be taking on the WWE Tag Team Champions.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, we see a Shop wwe.shop.com promo.

Brett Major, weighing 215 lbs., from Long Island New York

accompanied to the ring by his brother and tag team partner, Brian Major


Drew McIntyre, weighing 253 lbs., from Scotland

accompanied to the ring by Dave Taylor

Audience favorite: I’m not sure

My favorite: I think Drew McIntyre

Winner: Drew McIntyre with a roll up and a three count after a distraction outside the ring by Dave Taylor involving Brian Major.

McIntyre tells the audience via a clip from earlier in the day that he has applied for dual citizenship and that he says it would be great if the audience would chant USA. These two are not regular Smackdown wrestlers. I have seen the Major Brothers before but McIntyre is well built and seems to be able to work the ring. He also appears well versed in wrestling moves. Brett Major isn’t anything to complain about.  He’s very adept in the ring.

We are shown the Diva Search finalists and Rapid Fire competition.

We are backstage with MVP on his cell phone when Matt Hardy breaks in. Matt tries to tell MVP that they have to compete as a team if they are going to compete against Undertaker and Kane. MVP says tonight they will be one mind and on one page.  They shake on it and MVP tells Matt to follow his lead.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, we see a recap of No Mercy including the WWE Championship battle after Randy Orton gets the title handed to him by Vince McMahon, loses it to Triple H who defends it against Umaga, and then loses it to Orton. It’s a promo to get you to purchase the PPV.

MVP, weighing 248 lbs., from Miami Florida

United States Champion and one half of the WWE Tag Team Champions


Matt Hardy, weighing 236 lbs., from Cameron, NC

One half of the WWE Tag Team Champions


Kane, weighing 323 lbs.


The Undertaker, weighing 305 lbs., from Death Valley

Audience favorite: It appears to be both teams

My favorite: Both teams

Winners: The Undertaker and Kane after Undertaker puts out MVP with a tombstone pile driver.

Kane walks into the ring after MVP, MVP makes a quick exit outside the ring. If he’s lucky, Matt will join him and they can sneak out the back door. Undertaker and Kane are two big boys. Matt looks a little worried standing outside the ring with MVP. Matt and MVP are both good wrestlers but they are outweighed in a big way here. Kane and Undertaker do everything with brute force.

Commercial break during the match.  Isn’t there always?

Back from commercial break.

Matt and MVP didn’t get a chance to be the comic relief tonight. They are so good at comedy it really isn’t fair to the fans to not let them make us laugh. Especially when they are getting such a beat down by the Big Brothers. Major screw up by MVP. He tags himself in after Matt hits the twist of fate and thinks he can pin Kane.  No good and MVP gets stuck with the Undertaker again. Ouch.

We see the Save Us 222 promo and Jericho SWEARS it isn’t him.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, we see a recap of Monday Night Raw – you know, the WWE brand with really low ratings this week? – to show us Shawn Michaels return to Raw.

Anastacia Rose, the new backstage interviewer, is backstage with Rey Mysterio. Tonight there will be a match to determine the number one contender for the title between Mysterio and Finlay. Mysterio complains about the match he had with Finlay at No Mercy but he does most of the talking in Spanish and I’m an American.  I don’t speak Spanish.  Although I DO have Irish heritage.  Does that mean I need to root for Fit Finlay?

We see another recap of the Teddy Long heart attack angle at his wedding and to remind us that Vicky Guerrero is now the General Manger of Raw.

We are backstage with Vicky and Noble. Noble says that he is proud of the way she managed to sneak in and grab Teddy’s job before anyone figured out what was going on. Noble then brags about how he got Deuce and Domino hot on the trail of Jimmy and that there will be nothing left when they get done with him. Vicky tells Noble that since he is such an opportunist, she will make him a special match tonight. Noble thinks that he will get a no name wrestler who is trying to make a name for himself, but Vicky says that is not it. She says that Noble’s match will be against The Great Khali. And she says the match is next.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break.

The Great Khali, weighing 420 lbs., from India

accompanied to the ring by his interpreter


Jamie Noble, weighing 202 lbs., from Hanover, WV

Audience favorite: I’m not sure

My favorite: Jamie Noble who doesn’t have a chance

Winner: I can’t believe you didn’t know the answer – The Great Khali after executing the vice grip.

Noble would be better off if he could be in the ring with Khali’s interpreter. At least now Noble knows how Hornswoggle must feel.

Diva search promo.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, Cole and JBL reminds us about Cyber Sunday and how to log on to vote.

Jimmy Wang Yang, weighing 206 lbs., from GA


Deuce, weighing 230 lbs., from the Other Side of the Tracks

accompanied to the ring by Domino and Cherry

Audience favorite: Jimmy Wang Yang

My favorite: I’m not sure

Winner: Jimmy Wang Yang with moonsault off the top turnbuckle, a pin and a three count.

He may be a outweighed here, but Jimmy is quick enough he should have a chance against Deuce. Of course, it’s difficult to pay attention to the match with JBL and Cole’s arguing. Then we have the “hold Jimmy so Cherry can slap him” routine after the match is over. Then we see the beat down by Deuce and Domino.

We see a recap of the Punjabi Prison Match between The Great Khali and Bastista at No Mercy. Didn’t we see this when Smackdown opened tonight?

Batista comes to the ring in his suit with his title belt in hand. Batista does get a standing ovation from the audience. Batista will be facing Mysterio or Finlay depending on who wins the number one contender match tonight.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, Batista is at the announcer’s table.

Number One Contenders Match for the World Title

Finlay, weighing 233 lbs., from Belfast, Northern Ireland


Rey Mysterio, weighing 165 lbs., from San Diego, CA

Audience favorite: Rey Mysterio

My favorite: Finlay.  I do have Irish blood.

Winner:  We may never know -- it appears both men were disqualified

We see the way Finlay did play Mysterio at No Mercy by playing possum, getting put on the stretcher and then laying out Mysterio. Finlay comes over to the table to look at the belt but Batista tells Finlay he will never get past Mysterio to get to the title belt. Mysterio gets a nice welcome from the crowd. JBL tells the audience that they can choose the referee for the World Championship Match at Cyber Sunday: Mick Foley, Stone Cold Steve Austin or JBL. My money is on Finlay if for no other reason than he cheats very well. I think Finlay is tough and can do more in the ring than we see because he is generally trying to cheat to win.

Commerical break in the middle of the match.

Back from commercial break.

Mysterio is more aggressive in this match than he normally is, but Finlay is on top of his game. He does outweigh and outstand Mysterio and he does fight dirty – must be an Irish thing. The sad thing is, I believe Finlay could outwrestle Finlay. Both Mysterio and Finlay shove the referee down and no one is sure who has won the match.

The lights go out and we hear Undertaker’s tolling bell before the lights come back on and Undertaker is in the ring.  He has taken out Finlay and Mysterio and he has his eye on  Batista at the announcer’s table.  Batista removes his headset and walks to the ring as Undertaker makes the sign of the belt around his waist.


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