October 11, 2007

Recap by Sassy

Comments by Sassy in italics.

We see a recap of the feud building between Sting family and the Angle family. Then we see Kurt Angle walking in the back of the iMPACT Zone carrying his title and wearing the football jersey of Sting’s son.

Welcome to the iMPACT Zone being broadcast from Universal Studios, Orlando, FL on the Spike TV network.

Ring announcers: Mike Tenay and Don West

Ring announcer: Jeremy Borash

Backstage interviews:  Crystal Loutham

Ring Valet: So Cal Val

Opening Match – Non Title Match

Black Machismo Jay Lethal, from Elizabeth, NJ

Current X-Division Champion



Winner:  Black Machismo Jay Lethal

As soon as the match starts, Christopher Daniels is seen near the announcer’s table. Lethal’s ribs are taped after last week’s beat down by Team 3D.  Havok is getting to strut his stuff in this match.  He can match Lethal high maneuver by high maneuver. Havok is a little quicker on the punches than is Lethal, but Lethal executes the lethal combination, gets the pin and gets the win. 

After the match, Daniels picks up the championship belt and stands on the ring apron.  Daniels tosses the belt to Lethal in the ring.  Lethal faces off with Daniels at Bound For Glory in an X-Division title match.

We are backstage with JB who meets Mrs. Angle as she comes into the building. When JB asks why she arrived at a different time than Kurt, she says that sometimes married couples have problems.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, we see a Bound For Glory promo.

Kurt comes to the ring and Tenay says that Kurt needs to explain what he did last Thursday on iMPACT after he attacked Sting’s son in Sting’s home town. Kurt asks Sting how he likes Kurt’s football jersey. Kurt says he did what he did to Sting’s son last week because Sting laid his hands on Kurt’s wife and Kurt says he wants to face the old Sting at Bound For Glory.  Kurt says he doesn’t want any excuses; he wants to face the very best Sting there is. Kurt says he will stay in the ring and Sting can come out and give it his best shot.  Mrs. Angle then enters the arena and the ring. She tells Kurt that he should never have gone after Sting’s family and especially Sting’s children. She said that Kurt went too far and crossed the line. Kurt says he determines when he crosses the line. She said she should never have agreed to Kurt’s plan and said that Sting slapped her.  Kurt tells her to shut up. Sting then appears on the monitor and says he holds both the Angles responsible for what happened and that Kurt has made the mistake of a lifetime.  Sting says if Kurt wants the old Sting, he’s got him and Sting will take everything from Kurt at Bound For Glory. Sting reminds us that it is three more days until Bound For Glory and then tells Kurt to let the games begin now. The lights go down and a Sting look alike dummy is dropped into the ring. Kurt immediately attacks the dummy before realizing it is not Sting. Sting is still on the monitor and Sting says that it will be on Sting’s time and not before.

I will note here that the audience is not into having Kurt in the ring running his mouth and he is interrupted and talked over by the fans several times.  The only applause he gets is when he mentions the “old Sting”.  I think the fans would like to see Sting enter the arena and shut Kurt up once and for all. However, when Sting appears on the monitor, the audience erupts in applause.

Tenay and West give us the line up

 Bound For Glory

Ultimate X for a Tag Team Title Shot 

LAX (Homicide & Hernandez)


XXX (The Warrior Senshi & Primetime Elix Skipper)

TNA X Division Title Match

The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels


Black Machismo Jay Lethal

Gauntlet Match – 10 Participants

TNA Knockout Championship

Monster’s Ball

The Monster Abyss & The War Machine Rhino


Black Reign & Raven

There Must Be A Winner

The Instant Classic Christian Cage


The Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe

Special Enforcer Matt Morgan

2 out of 3 Tables Match

The Steiner Brothers


Team 3D

TNA Tag Team Title Match

The Phenomenal AJ Styles & Tomko


Team Pacman - Ron The Truth Killings and Adam Pacman Jones

TNA World Heavyweight Title Match

The Icon Sting


Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle

JB is backstage with Kevin Nash.  JB tells Nash it isn’t a good idea to go up in the rafters and talk to Sting.  Nash says it probably isn’t a good idea but someone has to do it. Nash says he will go up alone so JB won’t get hurt. Nash calls out Sting and asks if he can come up. Nash asks Sting if he is sure he wants to go down this path again.  Nash says that this is the way Sting wants to go out. Nash says Sting shouldn’t want to go out and win the championship like some thug. Sting asks Nash what he would do if Kurt went after his son and Nash says that he would kill Kurt. Sting says that is exactly his point and it’s exactly the way Sting wants to go out.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, Crystal is backstage with Team Pacman. The Truth says that he isn’t worried about the competition of XXX tonight then he breaks into “Georgia On My Mind”. He reminds everyone that Bound For Glory is in three days and will be in Atlanta, GA, Jones old stomping ground. Pacman does his usual marvelous job of speaking (I couldn’t think of anything else to say about his oratory skills) and says that XXX are porn stars. At least The Truth didn’t try to rap the song he was singing.

Non Title Match


Primetime Elix Skipper & Senshi


Team Pacman

Ron The Truth Killings, from Charlotte, NC & Pacman Jones, from Atlanta, GA

Current TNA Tag Team Champions

Winners: Team Pacman

Don West tells us how well the team of The Truth and Jones have been working together and I almost dropped my laptop.  WHAT? West needs a reality check.

Jones might make a great statue if he could stand up straight. Jones has a football in his hands.  Oh good, he came to play football.  Could we get some wrestling here? Pacman then slams the football into Senshi.  Okay, as far as the rest of the world is concerned, that is a foreign object.  I didn’t hear this being called a no disqualification match and the referee, Rudy Charles, should have tossed Team Pacman out then and there. I know the writers must be having trouble coming up with ways to use Jones besides just leaning on the ropes, but really, that’s the best they can come up with?  Not only do we have to see it once, the ring announcers call for replay! Just before Jones attempts – whatever – to make a dive on Senshi, the ref sends him out of the ring because he is not the legal man. He’s been standing in the ring since The Truth got tagged in ref. Make up your mind!  Skipper got a chance to work a little in the ring here and he did a good job for the short time he was allowed in. Senshi hasn’t been able to shine either.  It’s a terrible injustice to take time away from these two men in order to give time to Jones who is not a wrestler. When it appears that Skipper is going to take The Truth out, Jones throws money at Skipper and Skipper stops to throw the money back.  Want to guess what happens? The Truth hits a super kick, the pin and the three count.


The Steiner Brothers enter the arena while Team Pacman are still in the ring – because they have refused to leave, they have been throwing money at the audience.  Don’t get too excited.  They are just dollar bills. The Steiner Brothers give Team Pacman hugs and I am very disappointed in The Steiners.

Rick and Scott Steiner call out Team 3D because they don’t want to wait until Bound For Glory. Team 3D doesn’t come out to the ring.

JB is in the back with Team 3D, Brother Devon and Brother Ray.  The try to keep up with the name calling The Steiner Brothers started. Somehow they manage to compare the Steiners to Brittany Spears.  I don’t see it.  Sorry 3D. During the trash talking, the Steiners show up surrounded by Security to try to get to Team 3D.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break.

Nash is backstage with JB and the Angles.  Nash is telling Kurt that they need a different strategy because Nash has known Sting for so long that Kurt has gone over the line. Nash says that he will not be a part of Kurt and Sting and Kurt says he is going to be the hunter, not the hunted. Kurt tells JB to come with him but JB says that Sting is mad and JB should stay with Nash, but Kurt makes him go with him anyway.

The following girls come to the ring to watch the match:

Christy Hemme from Los Angeles, CA, The Pride of Tennessee, Miss Jackie Moore from Williamsport, TN, ODB from Minneapolis, MN, Talia Madison from The Big Apple, Angel Williams, from Ontario, Canada, Roxxi Laveaux, from Tonga Square in New Orleans, LA

Women’s Match

Gail Kim from Tampa, FL


Amazing Kong, standing 6’1” tall and weighing 272 3/8 lbs.

residing in Tokyo, Japan

Winner:  Amazing Kong

All I can say is RUN, GAIL, RUN! Gail didn’t run. Power bomb and a three count for Amazing Kong. Out of the girls at ringside, ODB looks like she might have a chance against Kong.  I’m not sure anyone else can handle her. I’ve been looking for more information on Kong and her matches.  I hear she is very good.

Don West takes us to an earlier interview he had with The Guru Sonjay Dutt. West wants to ask Sonjay about the noticeable change in Sonjay’s life and he says that the change is about his work is about the eboli virus and he is seeking donations for the Guru Humanitarian Fund and West gives Sonjay a couple of bucks and then Sonjay asks West to join him in meditation.  I’m not sure what the point of this interview was about but I have to say it was different.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, we see the video from the Orient where Tomko and his partner in Japan, Giant Bernard, defend the IWGP tag team titles and win.

Christian Cage and his co-host, AJ Styles, debut with Christian’s new talk show “Chatting With the Champ” in a luau setting in the ring. Christian says the theme of the ring is a special theme for a very special guest. Christian says his guest will probably want to kill him and Samoa Joe enters the arena, mic in hand. Christian welcomes Joe to “the islands” and then he asks Joe about their match at Bound For Glory, There Must Be A Winner.  The audience chants “Joe”.  Christian wants to know what Joe’s strategy will be this Sunday and Joe says Christian’s show has been on for two minutes and Christian is already boring Joe. Joe calls Christian a name that is bleeped out and Christian says that it is Christian’s show and he doesn’t appreciate being disrespected.  Joe tells Christian to do something about it. When AJ tries to interfere, Joe threatens AJ. Joe tells Christian that at Bound For Glory, Christian’s winning streak will end and Joe will put him in the hospital. The crowd eggs Joe on. Christian tells Joe that he respects him. Christian proposes a toast to their match at Bound For Glory and that they will steal the show. Joe throws his drink in Christian’s face and then goes after Christian and then AJ. AJ hits Joe over the head with a ukulele and I almost couldn’t finish typing.  I’m still laughing at the uke and AJ’s face. Matt Morgan wanders down the ramp and takes AJ out of the ring and sends him to the floor with a head butt as Joe and Christian fight their way up the ramp and then back into the ring. Matt carries AJ out of the arena on his shoulders. Christian nails Joe in the head with a coconut. Talk about your foreign objects!

Crystal is in the back with LAX and they have the Latino Nation with them. Homicide tells everyone, including XXX, that LAX is the toughest tag team in Lucha Libre. I won't argue with LAX.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break.

Petey Williams from Ontario, Canada


Robert Roode from Wall Street in New York

accompanied by Miss Brooks

Roode uses all of his non wrestling maneuvers.  Petey’s quick and I think he could out wrestle Roode, but isn’t going to let Petey wrestle. Roode hits the payoff and gets the three count. Roode then decides to kick Petey around while he is down. Roode wants Miss Brooks to slap Pete across the face but she refuses. Kaz comes to the rescue and runs Roode out of the ring. Roode tries to get Miss Brooks out of the ring, but Miss Brooks doesn’t want to leave Kaz.  Roode pulls her out of the ring and takes her with him anyway.

 JB is backstage with Kurt who is still looking for Sting. They stop at the men’s room but don’t find Sting. Kurt kick in the stall and find Junior Fatu instead. 

No DQ Tag Team Contest

Raven from The Bowery


Black Reign from the Deepest Darkest Corner of His Mind


The War Machine Rhino from Detroit, MI


The Monster Abyss from The Black Hole

Winners: Black Reign and Raven

LEAVE THE POOR RAT BACKSTAGE! I write to TNA every week about poor Misty and they have yet to respond.

Interesting note: Raven tossed his hat and his sunglasses to the crowd. Black  Reign is working a lot faster than he was before.


Back from commercial break.

Raven looks the best I have seen him in a long time. He just has that look that he could take this latest character interaction anywhere.  He’s always been one of the toughest wrestlers out there and I consider him a true hardcore type, but he had been out for awhile.  His out time seems to have done him a lot of good. Rhino and Abyss could make one heck of a team if they work together. James Mitchell manages to get himself in the ring but is saved by Raven who DDT’s Abyss into thumb tacks on the mat. Raven and Black Reign seem to be having an issue about who is fighting who. Rhino does a fantastic job of goring Raven into a table. Abyss is confused and delivers a black hole slam on Rhino.  Black Reign covers Rhino and gets the pin and the three count.

Crystal is in the back with Junior Fatu and says she wants to be the first to welcome Fatu to TNA. Crystal asks Fatu about the Fight for the Right match at Bound For Glory and Fatu says the next time Crystal interview him, they will be talking about his title shot.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, Crystal is backstage with Matt Morgan and he asks if he is ready at Bound For Glory. Matt says he can’t wait for Bound For Glory and he cant wait to see if Christian or Joe mess with him in that ring. Matt further tells us that Jim Cornette has appointed him the special enforcer in tonight’s match of Team 3D and Kurt Angle vs. LAX and Junior Fatu. Matt says that Cornette put him there so that when Sting comes into the ring to go after Angle, Matt won’t be there to keep Sting out of the ring, he will be there to keep Angle from getting out of the ring.

Homicide & Hernandez, Latin American Exchange,

representing Latino Nation

& Junior Fatu, from the Isle of Samoa


Team 3D, Brother Ray and Brother Devon, from New York City

& Kurt Angle, from Pittsburgh, PA

Plus - The Guest Enforcer, Matt Morgan

Winners: Team 3D and Kurt Angle

It’s nice to see LAX getting some quality time in the ring. Homicide and Hernandez work other venues and appear to be very good in the ring. Homicide is smaller than the other guys in this ring but he doesn’t seem to have a problem taking the big guys down to the mat.  Fatu doesn’t seem to have a problem dealing with anyone and neither does Hernandez. Hernandez is agile and quick on his feet in spite of his size.  Homicide and Hernandez work well as a tag team. You can’t argue that Homicide knows his wrestling maneuvers.

Commercial break AGAIN during the match.

Back from commercial break, we see that during the commercial break, Matt Morgan removes the Latino Nation from interfering in the match. Kurt Angle gets a stink face delivered by Fatu. Brother Devon gets taken down outside the ring when Hernandez delivers a flying over the top rope suicide dive.  Kurt delivers an Olympic slam and pins Homicide to get the three count.

Kurt again has a mic as members of the Latino Nation come into the ring to help out Homicide and Hernandez.

Sting is again on the monitor as Kurt calls Sting out again. Sting says he thinks it would be better if they waited until Bound For Glory but then again, maybe not.  As a member of Latino Nation taps Kurt on the back and then removes his bandana and glasses to reveal that it is Sting. Sting takes out Kurt as the camera cuts out and we see a promo of all the wrestlers discussing Bound For Glory.

I’ll be ordering Bound For Glory.  And I’ll see the rest of the TNA fans there.








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