September 25, 2007

Recap by Sassy

Comments by Sassy in italics

Ringside announcers:  Joey Styles and Tazz

Ring announcer:  Tony Chimel

ECW is being broadcast from Indianapolis, IN on the Sci-Fi Network.

A continuation of the elimination match setting up a final match for the ECW championship at the No Mercy pay per view.

Triple Threat Match

The first person to lose pin fall or submission will be eliminated from the chase for the ECW Championship at No Mercy.

Elijah Burke, weighing 230 lbs., from Jacksonville, FL


Tommy Dreamer, weighing 255 lbs., from Yonkers, NY


Kevin Thorn, weighing 270 lbs.

Audience favorite: Tommy Dreamer

My favorite: Tommy Dreamer, although I expect Thorn to win the match.

Winner: Elijah Burke after Dreamer hits the DDT, Burke tosses Dreamer out of the ring to get the pin.

Eliminated: Kevin Thorn 

As much as I like Burke and Thorn in the ring, Tommy Dreamer is Extreme Championship Wrestling. He has previously held the ECW Championship and, in my opinion, is the toughest contender in the ring. This was a good match, which I expected because of the contestants. Burke and Dreamer took a lot of hard hits in this match both in and out of the ring. Thorn being eliminated was a shock ending to this match.

Commercial break in the middle of the match.

We see CM Punk backstage shaking hands with the crew when he is approached by Matt Striker and Big Daddy V who have a down each other conversation.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, we get what we get every week, a recap of the match between Triple H, Carlito and Vince McMahon from Monday Night Raw.

Nunzio, weighing 170 lbs., from Rockland County, NY


Mike Knox, weighing 260 lbs., from Phoenix, AZ

Audience favorite: Nunzio

My favorite: Nunzio

Winner: Mike Knox by pin fall after delivery a super kick to Nunzio’s head.

This was such an outmatched match and Nunzio never seems to get a good match anymore. I don’t know what he did to irritate WWE management, but he needs to be in a venue that values his talent instead of using him as a consistent fall guy. Don't get me wrong, I like Mike Knox and think he could be a hardcore wrestler if given the chance.  Knox was out of ECW for some time and I am not certain if it was due to an injury or other problem.

We see Extreme Expose with The Miz and the Teddy Bear on their way to the ring.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, we get the cryptic message Save us 222.

The Miz, weighing 231 lbs., from Cleveland, OH


Silas Young, weighing 205 lbs., from Indianapolis, IN

Audience favorite:  Not The Miz

My favorite: Not The Miz

Winner: The Miz with a three count after delivering a neck breaker.

Before the match we see a recap of Balls Mahoney asking Kelly Kelly out for a date.

I understand pushing local talent, but it doesn’t say much for the push The Miz has been getting lately when he is relegated to matches with an unknown. The Miz as of late appears to have been in matches to showcase how much Extreme Expose can cheer. I’m betting Silas Young can actually wrestle but we couldn’t see it in this farce of a match. We could have easily had a commercial break in the middle of this match and no one would have noticed.

After the match, Balls Mahoney enters the arena looking for Kelly. He tells Miz to step back, he just needs to talk to Kelly and it has nothing to do with Miz. Mahoney asks Kelly again if she will go out with him. Kelly takes the mic, with the audience cheering for Mahoney, but Miz grabs the mic and tells Mahoney that Kelly will give him an answer and then Miz hits Mahoney in the head with the mic. Kelly is very concerned but Layla and Brooke lead her out of the ring and out of the arena.

I can only assume the Balls Mahoney - Kelly Kelly angle is a prelude to a match between The Miz and Mahoney.  One hates to break it to The Miz, but he couldn't beat Mahoney on Mahoney's worst day.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, we are told we will see a match between CM Punk and Matt Striker.

First we see a video of Steve Austin in New York City at an autograph signing of his movie “Condemned”.  WWE is doing anything to try to make up for the monetary loss this movie suffered.

We see Tommy Dreamer backstage with Elijah Burke.  Burke congratulates Dreamer on being in the elimination match. Burke is busy telling Dreamer how great Burke is. Dreamer tells Burke that Dreamer has heart and that ECW is his life.

Next week should be the final elimination match for the title shot at No Mercy.  I don't want to hazard a guess on the winner.  My pick  will be the ECW original  Tommy Dreamer but Elijah Burke is no slacker.

Matt Striker, former teacher from NY

accompanied to the ring by Big Daddy V.


CM Punk, weighing 220 lbs., from Chicago, IL

Current ECW Champion

We have a commercial break before CM Punk is introduced again showing a recap of the John Cena and Randy Orton feud as a push for the Last Man Standing Match at No Mercy.

Audience favorite: CM Punk

My favorite: CM Punk 

Winner: CM Punk after delivering a GTS

The crowd spends quite a lot of time chanting for CM Punk. I don’t get WWE’s use of Matt Striker.  He appears to be a talented wrestler but they never allow him to use his abilities.  He doesn't seem to have gotten into any good matches since he has been in WWE.

After the match, Big Daddy V enters the ring to beat up Punk. V delivers a Samoan drop to Punk laying him out in the ring to the jeers of the crowd.

The Burke vs. Dreamer vs. Thorn match was the best match of the evening. Punk and Striker wasn’t too bad but the ending was not a surprise nor was the interference afterward of Big Daddy V. Nunzio needs to be in a class with wrestlers his size and so does Big Daddy V.


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