WWE News Bytes

WWE News Bytes

September 14, 2007

by Sassy

Internet Spoilers Upset Mr. McMahon!

Vince was said to be very angry about leaks regarding his new “son” on Monday Night Raw.  So angry, in fact, both he and Daddy’s little girl Stephanie, gave a lecture to the WWE creative team about it and scrambled to be super secretive about the ending.  Source:  Daniel Pena, www.rajah.com.  I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but did anyone really care who Vince’s supposed son was going to be.  I watched the show because I do WWE recaps for this site.  Not because I cared one way or the other about this absurd story line.

WWE Releases Sandman!

Has WWE gone crazy?  I couldn’t believe they pulled Sandman from ECW and put him on Monday Night Raw.  Sandman IS extreme, as in Extreme Championship Wrestling. Sandman’s page was immediately pulled from the WWE site. It is rumored the release had been “expected” Sandman was noticeably limping last Monday on Raw.  We’ll be watching to see where he goes from here and will keep you posted. WWE might as well flush ECW down the toilet now and get it over with. Source:  WWE.com Rumor has it WWE believed Congress wouldn’t “approve” of Sandman’s character.  You had a list of 11 employees you could have terminated for using Signature Pharmacy and THEY are still employed.

Sandman Speaks Regarding Termination

Via his MySpace web page, Sandman is telling his fans not to blame WWE for his release.  He wishes to return to WWE. He is unable to appear at any events until October 12, however, he has information set up for bookings after that date.

You can get to Sandman’s MySpace site here:


Sandman asks his fans not to do anything harmful to the WWE.  Don’t worry, Sandman, WWE is doing all the harm that can be done to them by their own actions – or lack thereof. 

BTW, we hear there is a fake Sandman roaming the MySpace area.  Sandman can only be booked by Todd Gordon.  The link is here:


Source:  www.ringsidenews.com.

Source: Luiz Perez, Lords of Pain.net.

ECW Ratings

Vince has no one to blame but Vince.  ECW had a 1.4 rating on Sci-Fi this week. Source:  PWInsider. That tends to happen when you take away all the talent and use the show to boost your other shows. By the time I fast forward through all the Monday and Friday Night Been There, Seen That garbage, you don't leave us much to enjoy.

Award For the Dumbest Press Release

WWE issued a press release naming Hornswoggle as Vince’s illegitimate son. I kid you not.

WWE Moves Tour of Upstate New York

The tour was previously scheduled for September 28 in Syracuse. The Syracuse show has been moved to January 18, 2008.  The September 29 show in Utica has been moved to January 6, 2008.  The September 30 show in Jamestown has been moved to January 19, 2008. 


Stephanie McMahon is pushing WWE recruitment at the high school and college level.  Source: Keelan Balderson, www.wrestlingtruth.com.  The WWE could offer scholarships and other perks in order to snag your sons and daughters and send them into an already controversial hornet’s nest of drugs and early deaths. 

And It May Be For Something Other Than Sports Entertainment

Dallas Mavericks owner, Mark Cuban, wants to snuggle up with WWE in the MMA business. Cuban is forming his own Mixed Martial Arts promotion and has approached the McMahon group.  Shane is said to be pro MMA while Vince isn’t so eager to take MMA on.  After all, it is a r e a l sport.  Source: Ryan Gray, www.twnpnews.com.

JR Blogs

JR tells us he is in negotiations with WWE to continue his employment with the organization.  He also tells us that Sabu does not appear to be a candidate for the WWE Hall of Fame and he believes Sabu doesn’t care about that one bit…

A side note from the writer:  Sabu may not care, but Sabu's FANS care! He most certainly IS Hall of Fame material…JR tells us the Rock has moved on from wrestling – like we didn’t already know that – and there will be no future Rock matches. JR also explains that a King Booker (Booker T) has not resigned from WWE and this is only a rumor. Source: Steve Carrier, www.wrestling-edge.com.

Bill Goldberg Talks WWE and TNA

Bill Goldberg was interviewed on a Texas Radio station.  He told everyone returning to WWE was out of the question – he wouldn’t put another penny in Vince McMahon’s pocket.  When asked about TNA, he stated that TNA doesn’t have it together and they have no idea what people want to see.  He was not impressed with the hiring of Adam “Pacman” Jones.  He also discussed the deaths of Curt Henning and Brian Adams.  You can hear the interview here:


Shane and Stephanie to Take Over WWE When Vince Steps Down

No dates are given but the rumors are that Shane and Steph will take over the WWE when Vince decides to retire.  And who did they think WE would think would be taking over when Daddy leaves the company?  A non McMahon?  I don’t think so!

It is reported that Vince called a Board of Directors meeting to address which foreign territories WWE should be looking toward since they aren’t doing so well in the USA these days.  Areas being considered are the UK, Canada, Asian and Mexico. Source: 4FWonline.com.  The first thought that crossed my mind was that perhaps those other countries won’t demand drug testing. 

Remember Rosey, the Hurricane’s Sidekick?

Matt “Rosey” Anaoi is training at Ohio Valley Wrestling in Louisville, KY this week. No word yet on whether he has been signed by WWE or if they are just taking a look before they make a decision.  Former ECW wrestle Christian York was training at OVW as well. Source: PW Insider

Umaga To Return

Umaga will return to action after serving his suspension time and will renew his feud with Triple H.  Source: Ryan Clark, www.prowrestlingfans.com.

Monday Night Raw Ratings

Monday Night Raw came in at a 3.9 cable rating.

Confirmed List of Suspended WWE Wrestlers

Edge – Still out with injury

Gregory Helms – Still out with injury

Charlie Haas – 30 days

John Morrison – 30 days

Mr. Kennedy – 30 days

William Regal – 30 days

Funaki – 30 days

Umaga – 30 days

Chavo Guerrero – 30 days

Chris Masters – 30 or 60 day suspension

Source: Ryan Clark, Pro Wrestling Fans

And The Suspended Wrestler Who Missed the Flight

For the meeting Vince McMahon ordered to take place was none other than Chris Masters.  Source: Daniel Pena, lordsofpain.net.

Dateline Takes on Smackdown/ECW

At a recent Smackdown/ECW taping, Dateline’s crew was there.  Wrestler Chavo Guerrero and referee Scott Armstrong were two people who received text messages from Chris Benoit shortly before he took his own life. The WWE crew followed along and taped everything the Dateline crew did. It is not known what interviews, if any, were conducted by Dateline.  We suggest checking your Dateline TV schedule to see when this particular show is scheduled to air. Source: Daniel Pena, lordsofpain.net.

For breaking news and information, please keep your eye on the ESPN.com site.  They are reporting stories here and about wrestlers, drugs and Phil Astin. Now that Sensational Sherri can be added to the list of early deaths attributed to drugs, this isn't going away.

On September 1, HBO was in Pennington Gap, VA to interview Buff Bagwell about death and drugs in pro wrestling.  Source: Ryan Gray, Wrestling Observer Newsletter.

Simon Dean is Missed

Mike Bucci “Simon Dean” was a hands on type of guy when working with WWE’s developmental personnel.  It is reported he took phone calls from them anytime, anywhere and worked hard to keep them informed and content.  That isn’t happening since Bucci was terminated.  Source: PW Insider.

Confirmed Unforgiven Matches

WWE Championship Match

John Cena vs. Randy Orton

Triple Threat Match, World Heavyweight Championship

The Great Khali vs. Batista vs. Mysterio

Undertaker vs. Mark Henry

Triple H vs. Carlito

ECW Championship Match

CM Punk vs. Elijah Burke

Women’s Championship Match

Candice Michelle vs. Beth Phoenix

World Tag Team Championship Match

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick

WWE Tag Team Championship Match

Deuce & Domino vs. Matt Hardy & MVP

Where Are They Now?

This site is interested in the whereabouts of all former WWE wrestling talent.  If you are a former WWE member who would like for fans to know where to find you, please let us know.  Fans, if you have information on any former WWE talent, what they are doing now or where they can be located, please send us an email.

We can tell you where former ECW Ariel –- remember Kevin Thorn's Evil Woman? – is now :


The home page hosting her site is WB270 Female Wrestler Contact list.  If you are seeking to hire a female wrestler in North America or Europe for a professional gig – yes, you heard it, I said PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING gig, check out the contact list and pick your poison. This site was created for professional wrestling talent and professional wrestling promoters. 

We added the word PROFESSIONAL because some website were reporting anyone could pay the Shelly to wrestle on a personal level.  Those reports were not true as Shelly Martinez has stated on her MySpace website..

DDP in the Hood

Snoop Dogg’s “Hood of Horror” was released on DVD this past Tuesday.  It features former WCW Champion, Diamond Dallas Page.

Trish Stratus Sightings

Trish is training to take part in a celebrity triathlon to benefit AIDS charities.  It will take place in Turks and Caicos.  Source: Ryan  Clark, www.24wrestling.com.

Chris Jericho’s New Book

Chris is scheduled to be on the Eddie Trunk Radio Show, WNEW FM in New York City, on November 11 to promote his autobiography.  The book will officially be released on October 25. 

The Official Bret The Hitman Hart Site

Can be found here: http://www.brethart.com/. Nice photo on the front page.  We suggest you check it out.

Rob Van Dam Out of the Big Picture?

It appears we may not be seeing RVD on our weekly wrestling shows.  Word is that he has contacted a Southern California group where he can work with no travel time. Source:  Ryan Gray. WRONG STATE, RVD, WRONG STATE! (Sorry, I got carried away.)

Shawn Stasiak About Planet Stasiak

Shawn talks about why Planet Staskiak failed and how WWE changed him to a goofy character here:


Chris Nowinski in the News

Read the entire article regarding lack of reporting when there is a concussion injury here:


With the sudden surge of interest in brain damage and the devastating effects not only on the injured party, but others surrounding the injured party, we could see a more rigorous plan to oversee children’s sports from kindergarten through college.

Chris Nowinksi will be a guest at The Pain Clinic on September 15.  Information regarding links and time are here:


Stacy Keibler

Stacy will be appearing on “October Road” this fall.  Since her comment on being wrestling made her feel like a train had hit her every day, all we can say is -- What did she think wrestling was all about?

On The Downside of Divas

See www.TMZ.com for the following headline:

WWE Divas:  Fake Sport…Real Stupid

Referring to the present WWE Diva Search, TMZ notes the tryouts are hot gals with little or no talent.  I’m not sure I would go that far TMZ.  Divas can always use their WWE diva status to work their way into the Hefner publishing dynasty.

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